Suoszowa in Poland is home to thousands of residents who all live on the same street which is around nine-kilometres long
Tucked away in Poland is the enchanting village of Suoszowa, renowned for its extraordinary single-street layout that houses thousands.
Suoszowa is garnering global acclaim for its remarkable design; the village’s only street spans an impressive nine kilometres, with homes and businesses huddled along each side.
The landscape beyond the homesteads blossoms into an expansive tapestry of fields, presenting a lush spectacle of nature’s hues.
Esteemed for its leaf-like aerial appearance, Katarzyna Bieda from the Gmina Suoszowa council described it to “Suoszowa is immersed in nature with lots of forests and fields. These fields have made us famous all across the world thanks to drone pictures in which our fields surrounding the main street look a little bit like a leaf.”
The peculiar linear formation of the town has historical roots, as Bieda explained: “The one street thing comes from the past, when it was easier for people to live on one street, mostly because of road communication.”
As of 2022, nearly 6,000 residents were nestled into Suoszowa’s close-knit community, with 5,672 officially residing there, reports the Express.
While its unique structure may initially entice visitors, Suoszowa’s allure extends far beyond its architectural curiosity, offering much more for explorers to discover.
Bieda commented on the tourist draw of their village saying: “Every year, especially in spring and summer a lot of tourists visit our village because of the local landscape and also because of tourist attractions such as the Pieskowa Skaa castle or our famous rock called Maczuga Herkulesa [Bludgeon of Hercules].”
The iconic Bludgeon of Hercules stands tall as an impressive 98-foot limestone monolith, while the nearby castle holds its ground as a 14th-century strongpoint that’s withstood the test of time.
The village is also celebrated for its striking cliffs, ravines and the approximately 400 caves nestled in the locality, adding to the allure for countless explorers and sightseers.