If you use any of these items in your air fryer, you need to check whether your food has been cooked well enough.

Airfryers have revolutionised the average kitchen with some people ditching their ovens entirely. They are simple, easy and can shave off a whole load of cooking time during a busy week. While there’s no denying their benefits, one of the main annoyances is having to clean the cooking baskets after every use. And this is why many of us use silicone liners, or even foil and parchment paper to try and protect the bottom surface.

Silicone liners have become especially popular as they can be removed in an instant, and chucked in the dishwasher. But they don’t always result in the best cooking results. Such items can block the airflow, which in turn can limit the heat and power getting to your food. Hamilton Beach, an American appliance company, has explained how this can happen.

On its website, it says: “Lining the bottom of the cooking basket with foil or parchment paper will block the airflow necessary for air frying and result in undercooked or unevenly cooked food. It’s best to cook directly on the bottom of the non-stick basket whenever possible.”

Parchment paper can be used for successfully peeling off hard-to-grab foods, such as fish, from the non-stick tray. Hamilton Beach recommends not using too much, and cutting the parchment to size rather than filling the entire tray. While this may sound time-consuming, blocking the air-flow to your food could give the appearance that your item is ready to eat, when in fact, it may not be cooked through properly.

How to clean airfryer baskets

There’s nothing worse than returning to the kitchen after eating, to find ground-on stains in your airfryer. There are many tips out there to adopt, but the most simple of them all is to fill your baskets with hot, soapy water before you sit down to eat. This stops food residue from sticking to the bottom and saves a whole lot of scrubbing later on.

Washing-up liquid works a treat, with the contents being rinsed and cleaned easily after they’ve soaked. In a blog post from Foodess, we’re all urged not to use abrasive sponges to remove the grease.

The blog adds: “Regular cleaning not only helps maintain the performance of your air fryer oven but also ensures that your food stays safe and tasty. Baked-on grease and food particles can affect the cooking process and create unpleasant odours. Cleaning your air fryer after every use prevents build-up, making future cleanings much easier.”

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