A cleaning buff has gone viral after sharing a video in which she reveals that you can use a common cooking ingredient to clean up nail polish mess in no time at all

Wave goodbye to nail varnish mishaps with this clever trick.

Anyone who’s ever attempted a DIY manicure knows how chaotic nail polish can be, even for those with the steadiest of hands. Not only can it smudge your fingers if you make a slip-up during application, but an accidental knock of the bottle can wreak havoc on your table or floor.

Thankfully, a cleaning enthusiast has gone viral after posting a video where she discloses that a common kitchen ingredient can tidy up nail polish spills in no time at all. Mum and TikTok user Jenny revealed that sugar is the miracle product you need to scoop up rogue polish in seconds, without damaging your floors or your wooden surfaces.

In her video, she demonstrated the trick using some vibrant pink polish that she’d accidentally spilled on her laminate wooden flooring. She sprinkled granulated white sugar over the stain until it was fully covered, then started to work the sugar into the stain with her fingers.

She pressed the sugar into the nail polish until it began to mix with the sugar, forming solid lumps that could be easily swept around the floor. Then all she had to do was sweep up the sugar with a dustpan and brush, and her floor looked as good as new. The sugar Jenny used in her video is the same product most of us have at home already for adding to teas and coffee.

Viewers were amazed by the trick, although some joked that they wouldn’t want to “waste sugar” on cleaning up a mess when they could use it for a sweet treat instead. One person exclaimed: “That is amazing. I broke a bottle in a hotel room! Awful mess! Thanks for sharing.” Another added: “Used to work at a store that sold tons of OPI and people dropped and broke them regularly. This hack is a life saver!”.

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