As spring arrives, UK gardens will become a hub for bird activity with many familiar species entering their breeding and nesting seasons – here’s what to feed them during this time.
Spring is perhaps the most important time of the year for many species of bird that we expect to see visiting our gardens here in the UK. This is because many of the most distinctive of our feathered friends, including sparrows, robins, starlings, blackbirds, blue tits and great tits as well as many others, are currently in their breeding and nesting season.
According to the RSPB, gardeners should leave out a number of different things in their gardens for their avian visitors to feast on whilst going about their business building nests and finding mates – including two kinds of fruit many of us will already have in the house.
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Type of food: fruits, seeds and nuts
The national organisation dedicated to protecting our bird population recommend leaving apples and pears in their gardens. Specifically, gardeners should slice up the fruit and place them in a open spot on the lawn or on a table. You can also leave out dried fruits. If you have a dog, however, you should avoid this as vine fruits, such as raisins, can be toxic to them.
Different birds like different foods, and to enjoy their foods in different places. For example, Blue Tits and Great Tits like to eat from a feeder whereas blackbirds, House Sparrows, Dunnocks and Collared Doves all like to feed from the ground.
You can also leave mealworms, seeds, and nuts out for birds – as long as you use the correct kind of feeder or method for each. For example, a steel nut feeder is the only safe way to feed nuts to wild birds. You should also make sure that if you’re buying food to place in feeders, you aren’t buying poor quality mixes that contain ‘fillers’ like dried peas and beans, red dari and whole wheat which birds will rarely eat.
Best spots for feeding
Experts from the RSPB warn that any food you leave out for birds should be put in a quiet and safe place. This includes away from bushes or enclosed spaces in your garden where a predator such as a hungry cat might hide. Birds like to be able to scan for potential danger while feeding and so are far more likely to eat in an open space.
Bird feeder hygiene
If you use a bird table or bath, the RSBC highlight how important keeping it clean is as leaving them to get dirty can spread disease. They recommended brushing of debris every time you put our fresh food and once a week, scrubbing the feeders with a mild disinfectant.
They go on: “Move the feeders from time to time to stop droppings building up underneath. Water containers should be rinsed out daily, especially during the warmer months, and allowed to dry out before fresh water is added. “If you see a sick bird on your feeders, stop feeding altogether, thoroughly clean your feeders and store away from the garden (e.g. in the garage or shed). Only resume feeding after 2-4 weeks, but stop and repeat the process if you see any more sick birds.”