Some foodies have only just realised the feature underneath the toaster which makes cleaning the kitchen appliance much easier

A toaster is not the kind of item that difficult to use or needs a great deal of technique.

But people have been surprised to discover it has a hidden compartment which not a lot of people know about. The kitchen utility is in nearly every household and is often the first thing people use in the morning before they head off to work. But some foodies have only just realised the feature which will make cleaning a toaster much easier.

It was shared to TikTok by an Australian cleaner Kacie, has a large following on video platform The Big Clean Co.

The hidden compartment Kacie says is supposed to catch crumbs left over from you morning or afternoon snacks. She said: “There are cleaning hacks going around the internet that are not really hacks at all, they make it harder. This week I was sent one. ‘Clean your toaster with a hairdryer’. Just tip it in the bin.”

She put her hand underneath the toaster and pulled out a tiny tray which was full of crumbs. The video has racked up more than 2.2 million views on the platform, with a big debate taking place in the comment section.

Some people claimed they knew about the area while other others couldn’t believe it existed. One person said: “Omg I can’t believe this. I always stare at it and get annoyed because of all the crumbs.”

Another person commented: “There’s a TRAY?!?!?!?” Meanwhile, a third remarked: “Um I didn’t even know a toaster had a toaster tray?”

And a fourth said: “I didn’t even know it had one until it fell out the bottom the other day.” But another user was in disbelief that so many people were unaware that toasters have a hidden compartment.

They said: “OK I understand ya’ll not understanding about some things but, ya’ll didn’t know about toaster trays??? Like your house could catch on fire.”

The Mirror reported earlier how a food expert has claimed that you can elevate the taste of the toast you eat every day without changing the toppings you use.

The secret to having tastier toast, the expert claimed is all in the way you hold the bread. We’ve previously all been toasting our bread, then spreading one side with butter and then adding another topping like jam, Nutella or Marmite.

Then we’d tuck in, holding the toast with the toppings facing upwards. But according to experts at EatThis, you should try eating the toast upside down as it might “change your life”.

They explained: “First, make sure your toppings pass the upside-down test. If so, eat your toast topping-side down so that your tastebuds get the most out of the toast-eating experience.

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