Marcela Iglesias, who is known to her one million social media followers as the ‘human Barbie’, is 47 years old and has wowed fans by sharing photographs of herself at 16

A woman who has spent £86,000 to be young forever has shared amazing photos from her teenage years to show how her looks have hardly changed in 30 years.

Marcela Iglesias, who is known to her one million social media followers as the ‘human Barbie’, is 47 years old. She has now shared pictures from her teenage years. Although her hair colour is different at 16, little else appears to have changed compared to today.

Even people who haven’t seen the businesswoman in years are left shocked when they meet her now, she says. She admits it’s not simply down to good genes, as she spends approximately £780 a month on IVs, wellness injections, vitamins and creams. She also has non-invasive cosmetic procedures to keep her skin looking smooth at least once a year.

Marcela, who lives in Los Angeles, said: “When I meet people that I haven’t seen in 10 or 15 years they can’t believe that I look exactly the same or even ‘better’ than before. They are in awe of my wrinkle-free skin but it’s not natural, of course.

“I have spared no expense to become a human Barbie. I have used the best doctors and injectors, and I’m very happy with the outcome. My face is worth every penny. Gravity takes its toll so I’ll keep fixing what I need fixing.”

Staying forever young comes with more sacrifices than regular procedures, she says. The influencer doesn’t consume soy products, alcohol, fizzy or sugary drinks and eats a pescatarian diet. She exercises for at least an hour a day and always gets eight hours sleep per night.

The ‘human Barbie’ also credits her glowing skin not only to Botox, but to staying hydrated with a very powerful water filtration system. She said: “I feel great, in fact, I feel more confident in my own body right now than when I was in my early 30s. When people find out I have a 23-year-old son [Rodrigo], they say I am far too young to be a mum.”

Marcela, who is originally from Buenos Aires, in Argentina, considers cosmetic procedures key in maintaining her look. She said: “In other parts of the country, people might judge you for having surgery, but I live in Los Angeles, the land of surgery. I refuse to feel ashamed about using modern methods to keep myself looking good. People might call me plastic or fake, but I don’t care.”

Marcela’s journey with beauty enhancements first began 12 years ago. Since then, she has had countless non-surgical procedures, as well as gone under the knife for a boob job, cellulite treatment, muscle toning and had skin treatments to restore her hands.

Her son, Rodrigo, has been inspired by his mum, too after Marcela ‘gifted’ him a nose job for Christmas a few years ago. And she’s not done yet herself. She is in consultation with a surgeon to get £12,000 butt implants.

Marcela said: “I feel my butt could be more round and curvy and have more projection that you can admire more from a profile. These procedures are not to fix anything but more of an improvement – and if I can afford them, why not do it?”

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