A woman was left horrified after a new friend made a 10-word comment about her appearance, and it made her feel self-conscious and unworthy of the trip she was on
A woman admitted that her travelling buddy made her feel rubbish about herself after commenting on her appearance – undermining all the hard work she’d put into a recent transformation.
The woman explained that she was almost 60 and had decided to “f**k it” and go “on a holiday of a lifetime.” She said she had been obese for years but had recently undergone a “glow up” and managed to get her health under control, so she was really pleased with the way she was looking.
“I’ve spent most of today with another solo traveller and quite enjoyed her company, but I am fully aware she’s from a more forthright culture than me,” she explained on Mumsnet.
She said that she has a friend “back home” who is “also this nationality,” saying she’s “fully aware of this conversational style.”
But her new pal made a cutting remark as they parted ways to enjoy the rest of their trips. “As we parted company, she said that she felt she had to tell me that at my age, I should be considering getting my hair cut to a more age-appropriate length,” she fumed.
The original poster said that she was put out by this comment, penning: “I fricking love my hair, my hairdresser has been with me through literal thick and thin, and had particularly encouraged me nurturing my length after The Bad Bad Bob Incident of October 23.”
She said that she was now wondering whether she was in the wrong to feel no “resilience” towards comments like this because she suffers from “low self-confidence and self-esteem”.
In the comments, people defended the woman, instantly telling her to “ignore” the rude hair comment.
“Ask her if she’s thought about doing anything to cover up her massive nose she keeps sticking in other people’s business,” someone fumed.
Another wrote: “Hmph! What does she know…?!! Methinks a lot of derogatory comments come from a place of jealousy, lovely”.
Somebody said: “You’re nearly 60, you look how you want to look, you celebrate who you are, and you absolutely ignore this rude woman. Go out, have a fabulous holiday and have joy in who you are”.
A Mumsnetter added: “Ignore her, what an idiot. There are no actual rules about how you should look or wear your hair at certain ages other than bulls**t made-up ones. She is almost certainly jealous of your hair”.
An advocate for looking exactly how you want to shared: “Ignore it, why shouldn’t you have long hair. I think by 60 you are allowed to really not give a f**k what anyone else thinks.”
A woman pointed out that she may have seen a “crack in her armour” if she “confided in her” about the “glow-up” she’d undergone and so wanted to jibe at her for no reason to bring her down a peg or two, saying that she should just “ignore” the mean remark.
Another simply wrote: “Wow I can only say I’m envious that you’ve managed to grow your hair to an ‘unsuitable length’ in just 18 months… and at the age of 60!
“I say this as an almost 50-year-old who gave up hope of my hair growing past my shoulders years ago. Enjoy your hair and your body, and most of all, don’t lose your new-found confidence.”