Adrian Narvaez, 43, fell in love with Delia Luquez, 88, after the pair struck up a friendship many years ago and despite the 45-year age gap, the couple are celebrating 20 years of marriage
A couple with a striking 45-year age difference are gearing up to mark two whole decades of wedded bliss.
Adrian Narvaez, who is now 43, fell head over heels for Delia Luquez, who is 88, after the pair originally connected many moons ago.
He admits that even when he was in his teenage years, women of his own age didn’t catch his eye and this penchant for the older extended to both houses and motor vehicles as well.
Adrian often mused that he was a soul of another era. It all began at an art show back in ’98, when Delia was 61 and Adrian just 16; however, cupid’s arrow would not strike until much later on.
Delia, with her dual talents as both educator and amateur artist, and Adrian, a budding poet and storyteller, found common ground in their artistic leanings.
After their initial encounter, the communication stayed alive through the letters they exchanged, a treasure trove that Adrian still holds dear to this day. As the time passed, Adrian then revealed his feelings to Delia, sparking off their love story.
Yet, initially, the pair shrouded their affair in secrecy, meeting furtively for card games or the odd glass of something refreshing. Both residents of Rivadavia, Mendoza, in Argentina, Adrian and Delia are Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Due to the ethical rules of conduct, they were unable to see each other in a space alone. After 12 months of secrecy, they decided to go public.
“The father accepted me right away but the mother didn’t want to know anything,” Delia confided to local media. Adrian chipped in: “It was jealousy.”
They simply couldn’t fathom how, despite a vast gap in years, genuine love blossomed between them. “At first they did the impossible to separate us.”
But the couple’s faith in their love was unshakeable. “I’ve never been ashamed of the age difference,” Adrian confessed to Infobae. “Honestly, I don’t notice it.
“And even though there’s 45 years between us, I go with her everywhere.” Their love story turned a new chapter when they tied the knot on 18 March 2005.
The duo has since celebrated two decades of marital bliss, despite facing some challenging times. In 2009, Delia endured a series of eight surgeries due to complications with her hip, knee, eyes, and gallbladder.
More recently, she battled arrhythmia and was hospitalised, during which time Adrian was heartbreakingly unable to visit her. Thankfully, Delia went on to make a recovery.
A shared love for art continues to be a strong bond between the happy couple. Adrian performs poetry at Delia’s art shows, while she crafts pieces to accompany her husband’s published works.