One newly qualified teacher has already experienced a number of unusual and “bizarre” names early in her career – but there’s a few that’ll stay with her forever for all the wrong reasons.
A teacher has shared the most “bizarre” names she has encountered while working so far – she just can’t forget them but for all the wrong reasons.
Picking the perfect name for a new child is quite the task. It isn’t fair but unfortunately, a person’s name can often lead to snap judgements, negative first impressions, and snap assumptions.
When naming your child, it’s worth bearing in mind their name has to suit them for their entire life. You’re not just naming a cute little baby, you’re naming a future adult, which is why it’s crucial to opt for something that won’t land them with any problems in later life.
Many parents seem to care deeply about giving their child a “unique” name so they stand out from the crowd, or aren’t in a classroom with several other children who all share the same name.
While these intentions are usually good, it can lead to some babies being given names that are incredibly tricky to pronounce or spell, or ones which don’t make any sense phonetically.
When parents choose to alter a spelling to change up a standard or traditional name, more often than not, it doesn’t actually affect the name’s pronunciation – but it does affect how people see and judge it.
This appears to be the experience of one teacher who took to the popular Reddit forum Tragedeigh, which mocks names with nonsensical spellings, as well as the choices some parents make in an effort to seem more “unique”.
People typically share names they’ve encountered in real life situations like at work, parties, weddings and more, as well as names they’ve stumbled across on social media groups and chat forums.
A newly qualified teacher penned: “I was substitute teaching back in 2023. Let me tell you, kids’ names nowadays are so bizarre. There was a girl in the class I was subbing for named ‘Karleigh.’
“Then I was asked if I minded subbing for a different class for last period, as the original teacher I’d been subbing for had last period as their planning period. There, I met a girl whose name was spelled ‘Luxsharee’… Her name was Luxury.”
People shared their thoughts in the comments section. One person said: “I’m a school nurse and I swear if one more kid tells me “no, it’s (insert super generic name like Steven, Amanda or Erik) with a Y!” I’m going to lose it”.
Another commented: “I graduated class of 2024 and I [can] confirm that there are some special ones out there. I knew a girl named Trehzre. Her name was pronounced treasure.”
Another added: “Schools have to be one of the best places to find nominations for this sub. I’m a former teacher and saw my fair share. The one that stays with me is G’zus.”