The body goes through incredible changes during pregnancy, but many have been left freaked out after seeing exactly how the organs move to accommodate for the growing baby during the 40 weeks
During pregnancy, the body shifts and stretches to accommodate the growing baby. When someone is pregnant, we’re accustomed to seeing the change from the outside.
A baby bump typically starts showing around 13 weeks into the pregnancy, and although everyone is different, the belly will normally start to grow in size. But while it’s easy to understand that a stomach will grow to accommodate the baby, people have been left freaked out after seeing a video of exactly what happens inside – specifically to the organs.
Even though it’s invisible from the outside, the internal changes your body makes during pregnancy is incredible. Shedding light on what happens inside the body, Ella Dove, who is currently pregnant with her second baby, shared a video which shows exactly what the body goes through.
Ella, who often shares videos online to empower “women to feel strong, confident and safe in pregnancy, birth and postpartum”, captioned the eye-opening clip on TikTok: “How AMAZING that your body goes through such a big shift throughout pregnancy. Your internal organs move up, squishing into your diaphragm and expanding the ribcage to make room for your growing uterus.
“This happens gradually over nine months but immediately after childbirth, rest is so important as your body naturally re-adjusts after such a dramatic shift.”
In the video, Ella explained: “The internal changes your body experiences during pregnancy is incredible. There’s so much shifting and moving to make room for your growing baby, so maybe that explains your heartburn, trouble sleeping and other uncomfortable symptoms throughout pregnancy.”
The incredible video clearly demonstrated the dramatic shifting of organs during a 40 week pregnancy. During pregnancy, the stomach, liver, intestines, bladder and uterus all move to make room for the growing baby.
Understandably, many were baffled by what they saw. “Where are my intestines going???” asked one person. “That’s why I can’t eat too much and can’t breathe,” said another. A third simply said: “Girl,” followed by a crying emoji. While someone else wrote: “Such a helpful breakdown! Pregnancy brings so many changes, it’s good to know what to expect.”
If you’re concerned about your baby’s health during pregnancy, contact your midwife or maternity unit for advice. Ella also has a Pregnancy Fitness Program available on her app, called the Momday App.