Keir Starmer went to the UN in New York on a high-stakes mission to avert all out war in the Middle East – and to shore up support for Ukraine against Russian aggression

Keir Starmer’s first visit to the UN could not have come at a more critical moment.

The PM jetted into New York on a high-stakes mission to avert all out war in the Middle East – and to shore up support for Ukraine against Russian aggression. And then there’s the matter of the looming US Presidential race.

Aides have been pushing for sit-downs with both candidates for weeks, finally securing a meeting with Donald Trump on Thursday night. Mr Starmer wants to show that Britain is back on the world stage as he believes his Tory predecessors turned their focus inwards to deal with Brexit and domestic political turmoil.

He knows he needs to establish himself – and quickly – at a time when the world needs calm heads and strong leadership more than ever. The PM wants to reassure Ukraine of Britain’s support, holding a half hour private meeting with President Volodymyr Zelensky on Wednesday which is believed to have been constructive.

But he needs to rapidly shore up ties with Ms Harris and Mr Trump ahead of the US Presidential election, which will be a pivotal part of resolving the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.

Mr Starmer is up for the challenge and seemed energised by his visit – despite flying out to the US straight from Labour Party Conference in Liverpool.

He knows how much is at stake if he doesn’t succeed.

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