A question taken from a child’s homework sheet has been going viral after leaving even the smartest adults confused as they can’t work out the answer – can you solve it?
You’ll need to be a genius to solve this tricky puzzle.
Normally, children’s homework is pretty easy for us adults to solve. It’s designed for developing minds that haven’t quite got a grasp of simple maths sums or sentence structure yet, while these things might seem like second nature to us. But one question designed for children has got the internet talking – as not even the smartest mind can work out the answer.
Shared in a post on Reddit, the question appeared in homework that was set for Kindergarten children in the US, making the age range for the question between 5-6 years old.
The question involved three pictures that were supposed to show three-letter words, and the children had to write down what the words were.
To help them, the question provided the first letter of the word, so all they had to do was fill in the two blanks. The first picture showed a small bear and began with the letter “C”. The child completing the homework had correctly identified the word as “cub” and filled in the final two letters.
They had also done the same with the second puzzle, which showed a picture of a sun. But it was the final picture that left the young child stumped – and it’s even been bothering adults.
The picture seems to be of a young girl or a woman, and the starting letter is “W”. But like all the other questions, the word can only be three letters long. In the post’s caption, the poster wrote: “Several adults with advanced degrees could not solve this kindergarten homework.”
Commenters were quick to offer their witty responses for what the word could be, with one of the most popular suggestions being that the child should fill in the second space with an “o” and the final space with a drawing of a man so that it technically spells out “woman”.
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Others said the word could be “who” to simply denote that it is an unknown person, but that seemed too abstract for a five-year-old child’s homework. Some also assumed the woman’s hair was a wig, so that must be the answer.
After allowing people to ponder the possible options for a few hours, the poster eventually returned to give a much-needed update. It turns out the question does have a real answer, but it’s confusing to most adults, let alone children.
The woman in the picture was supposed to be wearing a veil instead of just having long hair, and the correct three-letter word was “wed”.
After someone suggested this answer, the poster responded: “This is the answer per the teacher. My only response is ‘wow’.”
But others said the picture was misleading, as it should have had a groom alongside the bride. With the bride on her own, some had assumed the picture was showing a nun, as the small image wasn’t very clear.