Arthritis is a common condition that causes pain and inflammation in a joint. It can occur in any joint in the body, but most commonly affects the hands, knees, hips and spine
Millions of arthritis sufferers in the UK have been warned about two everyday fruits that could exacerbate their condition.
Arthritis, which can cause pain, swelling, inflammation and mobility issues, has no known cure, but symptoms can be managed. Diet is a key factor in this management, with certain foods acting as “pain triggers”, according to the Physicians Committee. Apples and tomatoes are among these triggers.
The report stated: “While genetic factors are important, studies show that lifestyle factors, including diet, play a role. If you have rheumatoid arthritis, a diet change could help you, and perhaps even eliminate your pain entirely. In research studies, many people who cut out certain trigger foods find that their pain improves or goes away.
“When those foods are gone, so is the inflammation. A survey of more than 1,000 arthritis patients revealed that red meat, sugar, fat, salt, caffeine and nightshade plants most commonly worsen the condition.”
Both apples and tomatoes contain solanine, a glycoalkaloid poison found mainly in species of the nightshade family. A study published in the Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications in 2013 explored the link between solanine and arthritis.
The report highlights: “Solanine is a toxic compound produced in nightshades family such as potato, tomato and eggplant when exposed to light. The current study was carried out on 18 female postmenopausal albino rats to investigate the effect of solanine on the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
“The data of the present study showed that old age and postmenopausal suffering from arthritis and joint swelling must eliminate or avoid the nightshades plants to alleviate the joint pain and also decrease the destruction of the tissues.”
That being said, there’s some contention here, as other health bodies have raised their eyebrows at these claims. The Arthritis Society Canada emphasises personalized responses, advising individuals to see how their own bodies react to foods containing solanine.
In another branch of research last month, scientists pinpointed a potential new ally for those with certain autoimmune diseases in the form of a diabetes medication. Canagliflozin, often used for controlling blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes, appears to do double duty by impacting T-cells—critical players in the immune response that can go rogue by attacking healthy tissues in autoimmune conditions.
This multitasking drug could prove helpful to over 400,000 UK citizens grappling with rheumatoid arthritis and the 50,000 dealing with lupus.