The Gardener’s World host reveals why February is the perfect time of year for gardening enthusiasts to step outside and begin preparing for spring.
While cold temperatures are usually a deterrent for people spending time outdoors, BBC presenter and gardening expert Monty Don says February is actually the perfect time of year for certain UK residents to tend to their garden.
If you live in Britain’s more southern reaches, you’re lucky that you usually avoid the worst of the cold snaps – which is why Monty suggests that it’s the perfect time to stick on your overalls and prepare your garden for spring. According to his gardening blog: “February is the month when the garden really starts to come alive and grow even if the weather can be severe and the days are still short.”
Usually by February, the temperature has risen to the point that the ground is drier and no longer frozen hard, which means it’s ample time to begin sowing seeds. Monty also recommends using this time to move plants in the borders, add any bare-root trees, shrubs or hedges, as well as pruning plants such as rose bushes. One plant in particular that he suggests those living in the south, or a sheltered area, to cultivate in February is the butterfly bush – or buddleia davidii. Their fragrant purple flowers are a perfect way to brighten up a garden, with the added benefit of containing a sweet nectar that attracts butterflies.
Exactly what vegetables to sow
For those who like to grow vegetables, Monty says that if the ground is sufficiently dry, he likes to sow broad beans and plant onion sets. He also recommends February as an ideal month to begin planting tomato plants. Similarly, for anyone who owns a greenhouse or potting shed, there are a lot of gardening activities you can get a head start on, like taking dahlias out of hibernation or chitting potatoes.
Since most spring-time plants – like daffodils and tulips – haven’t sprouted yet, it’s also a great opportunity to create mulch ahead of a busy year. Mulching is the practice of covering soil with a layer of material to improve soil quality, protect plants and suppress weeds, and it can make a massive difference to how well your garden grows.
For those interested in discovering more tips, the horticulturalist has recently filmed a new series, Monty Don’s British Gardens, which is currently airing on BBC2, where he explores lesser known gardens across the UK. The TV icon has also committed to hosting another two years of Gardener’s World, where he shares his naturalist knowledge to help professionals and horticulturalists get the most out of their own garden.