A woman’s newlywed bliss came crashing down when her husband called her by the worst name she could possibly imagine while they were getting intimate. Now her curiosity has got the better of her
A woman who has been married to her man for six months has revealed her devastation after he uttered a brutal word in bed.
The pair, both in their mid-thirties, have been together for three years and are still soaking up newly married bliss. Things were hotting up in the bedroom before the wife suddenly recoiled after her hubby said something he’ll likely regret forever.
It turns out his past romance came back to haunt him at the worst possible moment. The distraught woman revealed that her husband had been in a 10-year relationship with his high school sweetheart before they tied the knot. The couple were married before the woman left him for a younger man at work out of the blue.
READ MORE: ‘I accidentally slept with my half-brother – but the family horror isn’t even over’
The wife, who confessed her turmoil anonymously to the Daily Mail’s agony aunt Jane Green, said she’s ‘always been scared’ that her partner might still be infatuated with his ex. But until now, she’s managed to put those niggling feelings to the back of her mind.
Now, it’s all she can think about as her husband plunged his ex lover right to the forefront of their imaginations – during a steamy sex session. She said: “My husband and I were having sex a few nights ago and he said the name of his ex-wife — loud and clear. I immediately pulled away and started to cry.”
The mortified bloke tried to reassure his wife that it was an honest mistake that didn’t mean anything. While his wife tried to accept his words of reassurance, she can’t get past the feeling of betrayal and her painful curiosity has caused more heartache.
She decided to ‘stalk’ her husband’s ex on Facebook and discovered she’d set her status on the platform to single. “I’m ashamed to admit I have stalked her many times before, and I know for a fact her account used to say she was ‘married’ to the man she left my husband for,” she wrote.
Now her mind has gone into overdrive as she’s left desperately wondering whether the pair have got back in touch now that she’s seemingly split with her own husband. The distraught woman begged for advice from the agony aunt on whether she should ‘confront’ the childhood sweetheart or push her man for more answers. She’s even considering setting up a fake Facebook account to accuse her of ‘going after a married man’.
In response, Jane said that while she empathises hugely with the woman’s dilemma, her issues stem from ‘feelings’ and ‘not facts’ and ‘making such accusations will only have you looking (and feeling) crazy’.
She urged her to ‘get to the root of your trust issues’ and encouraged EMDR – a type of psychotherapy that helps people resolve trauma-related disorders. The agony aunt added that ‘every heartbreak is a valuable lesson that can lead to change for the better’.
The nightmare tale comes as another woman has revealed her horror at discovering she accidentally slept with her half-sibling. Victoria Hill bought a DNA test online in a bid to seek some clarity on a health issue. But her whole world came crashing down when the results revealed she has at least 23 half-siblings, and her biological dad was not the man she’d grown up with.
The 40-year-old married mum-of-two from Conneticut, US, grew up with a niggling curiosity on how she could look and act so different to her father, and even joked that she perhaps was the mailman’s child. But the truth was much more sinister – as she pieced together the puzzle and spoke to some of the siblings that popped up on her family tree results, she discovered that her biological dad was her mother’s fertility doctor.
Dr. Burton Caldwell, who has recently passed away, had been helping Victoria’s mother concieve using donated sperm. But instead, he used his own, allegedly without her consent. Victoria’s mum, Maralee, says she was fooled by Caldwell, who said he would use sperm from an unknown medical student. And it wasn’t the first time he’d duped one of his patients – at least 23 people say they were born because of Caldwell using his sperm in secret.
Horrifyingly, Victoria’s initial findings were just the tip of the iceberg. When she finally plucked up the courage to tell close friends about the ordeal, her old high school boyfriend soon had his own questions and decided to take a DNA test. Soon she got a devastating text from him that read: “You are my sister”.
She said: “We figured it out, there was a high school reunion, we started sharing info with close friends and fast forward to a dinner and it was at that time that as I’m telling this story, my high school boyfriend, now friend, looked like he was turning something over in his head. His mother had recently told him that the reason why him and his brother, who is also a really good friend of mine, that his mother went for fertility treatment with his father. So we just kind of assumed that she must have gone to the same place.
“He ultimately called his mother and his mother confirmed that the same doctor had performed the same procedure. So then it was a waiting game. We sat there in disbelief that this was something we were entertaining. We made jokes but it felt very surreal. Then in a couple of weeks, he sent me the screenshot that you are my sister.” She added: “It was just one next thing that hits after another. We still don’t know what is to come.”