Asked if Reform UK could use more women senior roles, the party leader said: “I’ve spent my entire life trying to appeal to women – I’ve had a bit of trouble with them once or twice”
Nigel Farage was caught in a sexism row over “1970s” remarks he made about women’s “life choices”
Asked if Reform UK could use more women senior roles, the party leader said: “I’ve spent my entire life trying to appeal to women – I’ve had the odd success, here and there.”
He went on: “I’m very pro-women, don’t worry about that. Although I’m very pleased the News of the World aren’t here any more – I had a bit of trouble with them.”
Members and guests in the room were visibly uncomfortable with Mr Farage’s jokes.
Asked about his views on equality, and why he wanted to return to an age of “meritocracy” where 80% of senior professional jobs were held by white men, he said: “In many, many cases, women make very different life choices to men.
“If you look at business, men are prepared to sacrifice their family lives in order to pursue a career and be successful in a way that fewer women are.”
Natalie Fleet, the MP for Bolsover said: “ Nigel Farage seems to be stuck in the 1970s. He clearly has no idea about the sacrifices women make, how on earth can his party represent them?
“Perhaps he can explain to women across Britain how his plan to dismantle the NHS would leave them paying thousands more for their healthcare. That’s the cost of Farage’s Reform.”
Mr Farage made the remarks at a lunch hosted by the Parliamentary Press Gallery, where journalists from all outlets covering Parliament are invited to grill senior politicians on the record.
The Mirror asked Mr Farage, given his repeated comments about “DEI” – diversity, equity and inclusion policies which he claimed favour people of colour – why he thought “white men” dominated professional jobs and Commons seats in the “meritocracy” he wants to get back to.
“Because the country was white men,” he replied. “Because the country in business was white men. Because the world was very different.
“Women stayed at home and brought up kids, the world has evolved since then.”
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Asked if that’s what he wanted to return to, Mr Farage said: “The world is changing. Women in work, et cetera. Changes of population.
“But the idea that you can give certain groups privileges not based on merit but based on skin colour or sexuality or whatever is wrong. It doesn’t work.”
He also suggested that gay people “choose” their sexuality, saying the “woke virus” had led to firms employing people on the basis of “their colour, their chosen sexuality…I’d rather not know myself.”