An expert has revealed the one drink you should avoid before flying, and it’s likely to be a popular choice among those jetting off on their holidays

If you’re jetting off on holiday, there’s one common beverage you might want to give a miss, particularly if you’re flying.

Ski Vertigo experts have suggested that travellers should think twice before grabbing a coffee at the airport. While it may be your usual pick-me-up, it can cause some unwelcome side effects when in the air.

One main reason to opt against a cupe of coffee, and perhaps opt for a simple glass of water instead, is that it can dehydrate you – not exactly what you want before a long-haul flight.

Coffee acts as a diuretic, which means it boosts urine production, leading to more frequent loo visits. The cabin air on a plane is already quite dry, causing your body to lose moisture quicker than normal.

Adding coffee into the equation can worsen this, leaving you feeling parched, fatigued, and more susceptible to headaches or dry skin during the flight, reports the Express.

The increased need for toilet trips can be a real nuisance when flying, especially if you’re not in an aisle seat, or turbulence hits and access to the loo becomes limited.

For those who suffer from flight anxiety, the caffeine in coffee can amplify these feelings. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system causing an increased heart rate and jitteriness.

These can subsequently lead to increased feelings of stress and nervousness, and if you’re already a jittery flyer then a cup of joe may leave you feeling uneasy for the entirety of your flight.

Coffee, being a popular morning beverage, is well known for its wake-up abilities, but this implies that the drink should be avoided if you’re planning to catch some z’s while on the plane.

Caffeine can linger in your system for several hours after sipping a cup of coffee, meaning that even if you’re not usually sensitive to it, it can still affect your ability to sleep while jetting off to your destination.

Coffee can also trigger digestive discomfort, something you’ll probably want to steer clear of while on a plane. The acidic nature of coffee means that it can result in acid reflux, bloating, or nausea, and when paired with the changes in pressure during a flight can make for a rather unpleasant kick-off to your holiday.

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