Brainteasers can be a great way to keep your mind engaged, those who are footy fans might have an advantage when it comes to this specific puzzle
The more you exercise your brain at solving puzzles the more trained your brain becomes at solving them.
This latest puzzle created by Ticket Compare challenges players to spot the odd ball out of more than 100 with all apart from one completely identical. Only those with high IQs are able to crack this tricky new brainteaser with a football theme. Players have just 14 seconds to find the football and one tip is to scan along each row in the image. The brainteaser ‘s creators say they invented the puzzle to get players excited about the upcoming Champions League final between Borussia Dortmund and Real Madrid.
Many studies have shown doing puzzles makes you quicker, and sharper and ultimately trains your brain and makes you smarter. There’s no shortcut, you have to do hard puzzles and test your brain’s abilities again and again for it to expand. Being able to figure out visual puzzles quickly can show you have perfect vision. If you aren’t finding the puzzle fun anymore and want the answers: you can find the ball is hidden in the middle of the image. Those who decide to throw in the towel can find the answer below.
These types of games are known to utilise your cognitive skills but are also said to improve focus and the ability to learn. These types of puzzles can improve your health as they help with neurological stimulation. Although they won’t stop you from getting dementia, other risk factors can have a much bigger impact.