Lizzy High, known as Liz Bites Back on Instagram, is known for sharing fitness advice online and she’s passionate about helping people live healthier lifestyles without imposing too many restrictions

Every so often, people embark on a weight loss journey.

The pursuit of health is crucial – or at least, it’s important to strive to be as fit and healthy as possible. However, some believe that the path to success involves eliminating beloved foods from their diet.

Fitness guru Lizzy High, known on Instagram as Liz Bites Back, is here to debunk this myth. Renowned for her online fitness advice, she’s dedicated to promoting healthier lifestyles without enforcing excessive restrictions.

In a recent social media update, Lizzy revealed that many people suggest avoiding certain activities if you’re aiming to tone up. But, acknowledging that she’s just an “ordinary” person, she expressed her desire to enjoy life while working towards her goals.

While prioritising whole foods and maintaining a healthy diet is essential, she reassured followers that it’s perfectly acceptable if 10% to 20% of your diet isn’t strictly “clean”.

She wrote: “Food isn’t just fuel. It’s there to be enjoyed and, if you enjoy the process, you’ll be 10x more likely to stick to it and therefore see better progress.”

In an honest post, Lizzy confessed that there are still numerous things she indulges in when trying to shed fat. These include satisfying cravings like chocolate or the occasional snack when necessary.

She dines out once a week, believing it’s important to make the most of life. Plus, she enjoys something processed daily, acknowledging that everyone leads a “busy life”.

Lizzy also incorporates liquid calories into her diet and regularly consumes oat milk. Moreover, she prioritizes listening to her body’s hunger cues, rather than relying on caffeine to suppress her appetite.

Whenever she feels hungry, she makes a conscious effort to opt for nutrient-dense foods that keep her fuller for longer. Additionally, she creatively reworks her favorite dishes into healthier versions, ensuring she never feels deprived.

Her post has garnered more than 4,000 likes, with many appreciating her candid advice. For those seeking to lose fat, Lizzy recommends starting with a daily calorie deficit of 200-300 calories.

The comments section was filled with gratitude and admiration, with one person writing: “Thank you so much for all the help you give us every day. You are the best, I don’t know how to thank you.”

Another fan chimed in with: “Love this so much. You go girl. Inspiring us all.”

And a third commenter praised Lizzy’s approach, saying: “Finally, someone who does it the right way. I’m so tired of seeing people promoting disordered habits in pursuit of fat loss. Like, it really does not have to be so abysmal. And the results speak for themselves. You look amazing.”

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