Researchers in Italy unveiled evidence suggesting multi-thousand-foot-tall wells and chambers exist beneath the Khafre Pyramid – a finding that could radically reshape both Egyptian and human history
Scientists claim they’ve uncovered evidence of a “vast” hidden city more than 4,000 feet beneath Egypt’s Giza Pyramids, offering a groundbreaking analysis that they argue confirms their discovery.
Last week, researchers in Italy unveiled bombshell findings suggesting multi-thousand-foot-tall wells and chambers exist beneath the Khafre Pyramid. If proven to be true, the revelation could radically reshape both Egyptian and human history. But experts have questioned the study’s scientific validity, quickly dismantling the claims as “completely wrong”. The scientists have argued with “a confidence level well above 85%” that the structures – particularly those underneath the Khafre and Giza Pyramids – are real. Using high frequency electromagnetic waves, the team sent signals into the ground, mapping formations based on the way those signals bounced back.
Radar expert Professor Lawrence Conyers, who was not involved in the study, is skeptical, MailOnline reports. He said: “To make correlation confidence levels there needs to be something to correlate to or compare to. What could that be here? Without that, these percentages are meaningless scientifically.”
Professor Conyers did however acknowledge that smaller features, like shafts and chambers, could be present, especially in a site as historically significant as Giza, which was “special to ancient people”. He added: “the Mayans and other peoples in ancient Mesoamerica often built pyramids on top of the entrances to caves or caverns that had ceremonial significance to them.”
The research, led by Corrado Malanga of Italy’s University of Pisa, Filippo Biondi of the University of Strathclyde, and Egyptologist Armando Mei, is still unpublished in a peer-reviewed journal, with further scans and verification needed.
In findings shared with MailOnline, the scientists claim to have found eight wells and two enormous enclosures more than 2,000 feet below the base of the Khafre pyramid, and “an entire hidden world of many structures” another 2,000 feet below those. The discovery hinges on the use of radar-like technology to scan beneath the Khafre Pyramid. But critics, including Egypt’s former antiquities minister Dr. Zahi Hawass, have slammed the technique as “false” and unapproved by scientific standards.
The team said while they “have the utmost respect for Egyptologists”, their “findings are based on objective measurements obtained through advanced radar signal processing.” One intriguing image allegedly reveals a deep well with spiral-like formations, possibly leading to a staircase or passageway, while other reflections hint at chambers existing at multiple depths. The team even suggests these structures date back 38,000 years – long before any known pyramid. This theory is rooted in ancient Egyptian texts, which the researchers argue describe a lost civilisation destroyed by a cataclysmic event. Professor Conyers said of the claims: ”That is a really outlandish idea.”
While scientists largely dismiss the idea of a pre-dynastic civilisation that ancient, the team believes that myths and ancient texts, such as the Book of the Dead and the Royal Canon, might document real historical events – pointing to advanced civilisations before recorded history. Whether this claim will survive scientific scrutiny remains to be seen, but if proven true, it would dramatically alter the timeline of human history.