Leading colour expert Tash Bradley has opened up on the renter-friendly ways that people can put their own stamp on a property by adding more colour to their homes
When it comes to making a house a home, living in a rented property doesn’t mean you have to forgo adding any colour to the space.
As Tash Bradley, Director of Interior Design at Lick Paint, states, there are plenty of ways to put your own stamp on a rented property. Speaking to the Mirror, the leading colour expert has shared her two top renter-friendly ways that will help you call a house a home – and all you need to do is grab a tin of paint.
With Tash’s job meaning she works with renters “all the time”, and with Tash herself renting, she knows a thing or two about renter-friendly home inspiration. The first piece of advice is great for anyone who is happy to paint their walls.
“If you are willing to decorate your house, decorate your rented property, every single client I’ve spoken to renting, whether it’s their first home, it’s a one bed studio up to a five bedroom house, it’s always been the same scenario or outcome,” she said.
“I’ve never come across a landlord who’s had an issue if you are willing to put the time, effort and love into that property with beautiful paint and make it really stunning.”
On that front, Tash advises renters to stick to a neutral palette. However, this doesn’t mean exclusively using pure white paint. Rather, there’s still plenty of fun to be had when picking the perfect neutral shade.
“Pigmented colour can make such a difference in how the room feels, and so you can stick with a pigmented white, beiges, soft taupe, pale pinks, green – landlords love green,” she explained.
“There’s colours there that if you presented to the landlord and showed them, ‘look, this is what I’m looking to do,’ I’ve never had anyone, and I’ve done 5,000 appointments with people, I’ve never had anyone at Lick say they can’t do it.”
However, redecorating the walls isn’t for everyone. Whether you plan on moving out in coming months, or you simply can’t commit to putting in the time and effort that comes with the project, there are plenty of other ways to inject some colour into your home.
“Some people don’t want to commit to the decorating as they’re moving out in six months or a year, which is totally fair. A great way to bring colour in and, you can take it with you, is to think about your floor.
“It’s a really large area, so buy an amazing statement rug that’s really colourful. Or go with artwork – the bigger, the better – bring that in and you can take it with you,” she said.
“Even little things like upcycling pieces of furniture, it can make such a difference. Go onto Facebook Marketplace and get something. Giving something a new life is something I really love doing. It can look so different and it’s really easy to do.
“You just need to get one tin of paint and it can literally transform some bedroom tables and then you can add that brighter pop of colour and then have neutral walls.”
Tash’s book Master The Art Of Colour: Practical Advice from the Room Renovations Expert will be released on April 10. Follow her on Instagram at @tash_lickcolour