A woman who was sick of her driveway being blocked by caravaners has been praised for her brutal act of revenge on the couple who parked across her property
A woman has received applause online for her brilliant retaliation against an ‘entitled’ neighbour who kept using her driveway as a parking spot.
She shared on Reddit that she resides in a small town that attracts many caravaners and often faces difficulty exiting her driveway because visitors park along the main road as a rest stop.
Recounting her experience, she wrote: “I live on the main road of a tiny town which is on a popular caravan route. There’s a café two doors down. I frequently get vans parked partially blocking my driveway. Annoying but if I can get out, no problem.
“But today, the boomers didn’t even pretend to try to leave space. The giant four-wheeler and massive caravan was parked squarely across the driveway.
“The hitch was literally in the middle of the driveway. All they had to do was park about 10 metres further up the road and there wouldn’t be any issues.”
In a stroke of strategic thinking while doing her chores, she hoped her actions would serve as a lesson and make the inconsiderate drivers reconsider their parking habits. Continuing her tale, she explained: “I had just mowed the front lawn. I normally don’t worry about the nature strip, it’s dry, mostly dirt and gravel and the council looks after it anyway.
“But today I made sure I have the best tended nature strip in town. Gravel flying everywhere. Some may have hit the car or van. Who can tell? There was definitely a thin film of dust over them at least.
“When the Mrs returned to the car I did politely point out that they had blocked my driveway. She had the grace to look embarrassed. Mr didn’t even have the courage to say anything to me. I didn’t stop until they left. F them.”
Commenters rallied behind her, with one saying: “They’re lucky you didn’t have them towed.” Another chimed in: “And keep the sprinkler going until the tow truck arrives.”
A user suggested: “I would have had it towed and then when they showed up asking where it was I would explain that it had to be towed as my partner had to get to work and we had no idea where they were. I would say this even if I was single.”
Determined to defend driveway rights another user declared: “I would call to have the cars/vans towed if they blocked my drive way. I would even put up signs like private parking and if you block my driveway I will have your car towed. In an emergency you need to be able to get out of your driveway.”