Turns out, there is a specific craft to eating store-bought ice cream that will make the sweet treat taste absolutely incredible. Don’t believe us? Try it out for yourselves

A sensory scientist has revealed the best way to elevate your ice-cream experience.

Even though the weather has cooled down now, there’s nothing quite like snuggling on the blanket while demolishing an entire tub of Ben & Jerry’s and binge-watching Netflix. However, if you’re digging straight into your pint of Cookie Dough ice cream or low-calorie alternative – you’re already making one big mistake.

Dr Sarah Kemp has teamed up with award-winning ice cream brand Oppo Brothers to explain the best way to enjoy store-bought ice cream in a few simples steps. The first? Let it defrost for around 15 minutes to reach -14C degrees, so it’s slightly soft to touch.

“Flavour is extremely important and getting the most out of every mouthful should be your number one priority, especially when it comes to ice cream,” Dr Kemp said. “However, more often than not, people are unaware of how to maximise flavour sensations when it comes to eating all types of food.”

To give your taste buds an instant hit of ‘strong flavour’, the scientist recommends scooping half a teaspoon from the tub then placing the spoon upside down into the mouth. This way, the ice cream will be the first thing to touch the tongue – not a freezing cold piece of metal.

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Then, roll the melting ice cream around in your mouth to make the most of its creamy texture (yes, we’re being deadly serious. Ice cream is no laughing matter for us). Dr Kemp also suggests breathing in through your mouth at this point, as it is a good way to make sure those flavours reach all your ‘receptors’. The biggest mistake you could make is spooning ice cream into your mouth and swallowing it downs straight away. Instead, allow the ice cream to melt and swirl around your mouth for 12 seconds. If you’re not convinced, give it a go and see what a difference it makes.

If your ice cream cravings have kicked in but you don’t have any left in the freezer, you can always try making your own – even if you don’t have any fancy equipment. Mary Berry’s simple recipe is a great place to start – or Nigella Lawson’s no-churn coffee ice cream that only requires four ingredients. If you’re wanting to upgrade your ice-cream game even further, check out these ‘perfect’ ice-cream cookie sandwiches that are totally mess-free to make and taste amazing.

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