The UK Spirits Alliance has issued an invitation to every General Election candidate to visit a local distillery to understand their contribution to the economy

Gin and whisky makers are demanding to know why politicians always pull pints in election campaigns rather than pour spirits.

The UK Spirits Alliance has issued an invitation to every election candidate to visit a distillery to understand their contribution to the economy.

Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer have both stopped at pubs on the campaign trail for a traditional picture behind the bar. The PM started the week by visiting the Dog and Bacon pub in Horsham, West Sussex.

At the weekend, the Labour leader served drinks at 3 Lock’s Brewery in Camden in north London. He joked: “If all else fails I’ll be back here on July 5.”

According to research, around £500million will be spent on spirits in pubs from now until polling day. Last year duty on spirits rose by 10.1 per cent, the largest increase since the 1980s.

Hilary Whitney, co-founder of Sacred Spirits in Highgate, north London, said: “We’re not just distillers. We’re job creators, exporters, and investors in local communities. It’s vital that the next government backs spirits and recognises our crucial role in driving growth. By backing the spirits industry, we invest in a vibrant, sustainable future for the economy and local communities.”

Kathy Caton, the managing director of Brighton Gin, added: “The Craft Distilling industry has been a British success story – but in order for the sector to keep developing and growing, businesses like mine need to know we have the backing of the next government. I know other proud independent producers of British spirits feel the same way. A new government would be supporting one of Britain’s most exciting and innovative sectors as well as the hospitality industry, a vital part of our communities across the country, and with the great British pub, one of the things that the UK is famous for world-wide.”

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