Don’t cause yourself undue stress by trying to prevent your windscreen from freezing over using cardboard and instead try something much more effective at deicing cars
If you’re not lucky enough to have garage during the winter months then it’s likely that your car’s windscreen will end up frosted over at some point.This throws up images of motorists frustratingly trying to remove the ice each morning. One seemingly good preventive idea could be to place a large, flat piece of cardboard across the windscreen overnight. In theory, you might think that you can then just whip off the icy cardboard before you jump in the car the next day and your window will be crystal clear. But in reality this is a bad idea and there is a much simpler way to de-ice your vehicle.
In fact, placing a piece of cardboard on your windscreen can end up causing you even bigger problems, as one TikToker found out. Abbey Clare clearly thought she was going to stop her car from icing over this way but when she tried to take it off, the cardboard was stuck to her window. The video went viral with more than 10 million views and prompted Nationwide Vehicle Contracts to warn other drivers not to attempt this ‘hack’. Doing so could result in you being late for work or an appointment from having to remove all the cardboard.
Instead, they advise that the best way to begin de-icing your car is by simply pressing your car heater button: “Starting your car engine and directing your heating system in the direction of your windscreen will speed up the defrosting process. Once your vehicle begins to heat up, you will find your windscreen will defrost quicker.”
They further explained: “Using your car’s heating system rather than wiping down condensation with your hand from inside the vehicle will prevent smeared and dirty glass, which is a common problem in winter months.” Any ice on your windscreen can then be removed with a scraper, which is vital to keep in your car during winter.
However, if you’re still keen on covering up your windscreen each night then the car experts recommend using a weighted towel instead of cardboard. Unlike the latter, this will not stick to the glass and drivers can buy windscreen covers or weighted towels to help prevent icy windscreens over winter.
They added: “Implementing preventative methods can mean drivers can effectively de-ice their car whilst minimising the risk of damage. It is paramount in winter months to ensure your vehicle is safe to drive in. Always ensure your windscreen and windows are clear from snow and ice, as it is unsafe to drive when your vision isn’t clear.”