France has reported 600 more cases of dengue fever, a potentially fatal infection spread by mosquitoes, since last month as health experts issue warnings over the tropical disease

Fears are growing that dengue fever could arrive in the UK after 600 new cases were reported in France as a plague of tiger mosquitoes spreads across Europe.

Worried health experts issued a warning after the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) said invasive mosquitoes were becoming more prevalent in Europe as climate change has pushed temperatures up. Tropical disease Dengue is not usually serious, but can be severe in some cases and can be fatal.

Public Health France announced today that almost 20 per cent of the more than 2,800 cases were imported from Guadeloupe or Martinique. It’s a major concern ahead of the Paris Olympic Games, which are just months away. The news from across the Channel will likely to put British medics on alert.

The tiger mosquito, which can also spread chikungunya and Zika virus, used to be detected only in high-climate countries. But now, the ECDC has discovered that it has been established in 13 European nations such as; Croatia, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, and Spain.

The more severe symptoms, which tend to appear after the fever has gone away, can include vomiting, bleeding gums, and severe abdominal pain. Last year, 130 locally acquired cases of dengue were recorded in the EU, compared to 71 in 2022. The stark increase is even more shocking between the dates 2010 and 2021, which only saw 73 cases reported across the entire period.

ECDC director Andrea Ammon said: “Europe is already seeing how climate change is creating more favourable conditions for invasive mosquitoes to spread into previously unaffected areas and infect more people with diseases such as dengue. Increased international travel from dengue-endemic countries will also increase the risk of imported cases, and inevitably also the risk of local outbreaks.”

In recent years, it has also been found by authorities at UK ports but no local populations are yet to have been established. Niamh McMillian, who is Superdrug pharmacy superintendent, said there were ways to “confuse” mosquitoes and make them leave you alone. She said: “While it may seem impossible to avoid mosquitoes during the summer months, there are some preventative measures you can take which can help you minimise the risk of getting bitten.

“Mosquitoes are most active during dawn and dusk so try and limit outdoor activity during these times. Stay away from standing water. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water so try to avoid these areas. Wear protective clothing which is light-coloured and loose fitting, that covers as much skin as possible. For children under two months, use a mosquito net or light blanket to cover the pushchair.”

Symptoms to look out for

  • High fever (40°C/104°F)
  • Severe headache
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • Muscle and joint pains
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Swollen glands
  • Rash

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