
From snail-based facials, to breast milk beverages – social media is flooded with unconventional ‘health hacks’. And now, countless influencers are slipping potato slices into their socks in a unexpected new trend

If you thought potatoes were only for roasties, crisps and chips – think again.

Countless influencers are slipping these vegetables into their own and their babies’ socks amid a bizarre health craze online. While you may think it sounds rather uncomfortable to stash a potato near your feet, generally the ‘hack’ uses just two small slices each time.

Rumour has it, these slices will then go from their starchy beige to a more disgusting shade of black when left over night. Many advocates believe this draws out toxins, reduces fevers and even prevents illnesses.

TikTok user @g0dblesstac0s is among those to have tried it on her own newborn, taking to the platform to unveil just how it’s done. “It works! She all better now,” she captioned the video, which showed her removing some potato socks off her child’s feet.

She added: “Using the old wives’ tale of putting a piece of potato in the baby’s sock to take away their sickness.” Although this mum certainly isn’t the only one to have experimented with the trick, her post soon racked up various intrigued comments.

One person wrote: “Does it help with runny nose?”, to which, she replied: “Yes, all cold symptoms!” Another also asked: “How about congestion? Does it work for that?” Once again, she wrote: “Yes, but I have seen where onions may be stronger for battling colds.”

Amid this however, Dr Lawrence Cunningham, a health expert and retired GP at the UK Care Guide, claims that while potatoes may have been used in various folk remedies, there is no scientific evidence to suggest they actually work for this.

He told The Mirror: “I’m assuming that placing potatoes in socks to draw out impurities or cure illnesses has gained traction because parents seek natural remedies for their children’s ailments.

“From a scientific standpoint, there is no evidence that I am aware of to support the efficacy of this method in treating fevers or drawing out toxins. The idea may originate from folk remedies and the natural appeal of organic materials, but, for me, it lacks validation medically.”

Cold-triggering bacteria and viruses are generally carried in an infected person’s mouth, throat or nose. These pathogens can then spread when that person sneezes or coughs, releasing contaminated droplets into the air, to be inhaled by someone else.

Importantly, these droplets cannot penetrate through someone’s skin, meaning illnesses cannot be spread through mere contact alone – unless you touch the droplets and unknowingly put them in your mouth. This is largely because the skin acts as a barrier in order to give us the best chance against nasty diseases.

So, the same applies for what a potato can offer, with the skin ‘not permeable’ to the substances this vegetable may absorb, according to Dr Cunningham. He continued: “Some might report that the cooling effect they experience can be ascribed to moisture from the potato, which might provide a temporary placebo effect but no real change.

“Using natural remedies can sometimes offer psychological comfort to individuals who prefer holistic approaches to health.”

While the potato trick doesn’t appear to have any bad side effects, Dr Cunningham also says that relying solely on this could put people in danger – especially babies. “While placing potatoes in socks is largely harmless, there are potential indirect side effects,” he stressed.

“For instance, relying on this method for serious conditions like a high fever could result in delaying more effective medical treatments. This is particularly crucial for babies and young children whose health can deteriorate rapidly when fevers are not properly managed.”

For babies with fevers, he instead recommends monitoring this with a reliable thermometer and seeking medical advice if it is high or persistent. He continued: “I always recommend using medically approved methods such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, which are safe when used according to guidelines.

“Additionally, ensuring that the child stays hydrated and rests in a comfortable environment can also help manage fever effectively… While the internet can be a valuable resource for sharing information, it also has the potential to spread misinformation.”

MirrorOnline has approached @g0dblesstac0s for comment.

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