The specialist insurance broker ChoiceQuote has offered a number of tips that could help drivers avoid their insurance policy from being suddenly cancelled abruptly

An expert has dished out some savvy tips to help drivers steer clear of having their insurance policy abruptly cancelled.

As car insurance costs rev up for nearly all motorists, it’s crucial that drivers stay truthful with their insurers and drive sensibly. Phil Leese, taxi and specialist motor trading manager at ChoiceQuote, pointed out that a few simple measures could keep policies secure.

He said: “When making any journey, it is important for drivers to always keep aware of the Highway Code to avoid any possible fines or penalties. It’s also crucial to understand the lesser-known factors that could potentially invalidate your coverage. These can be simple actions such as drivers ensuring that they are wearing suitable footwear. Not only could these actions invalidate your insurance, but they could also risk both the driver’s and other road users’ safety.”

ChoiceQuote warns that one of the top reasons drivers find their insurance policy voided is by driving in improper footwear, reports the Express. With summer approaching, the temptation to hit the road in flipflops or sandals grows. But the Highway Code insists on footwear that ensures safe operation of vehicle pedals, or drivers could face hefty fines up to £5,000.

Motorists could risk having their car insurance invalidated by leaving their windows open when the vehicle is unattended. While it’s tempting to leave windows down for better airflow in warm weather, this could invite thieves and lead to a revoked cover. Moreover, many insurance policies stipulate that cars should not be left unattended with keys inside.

ChoiceQuote also advises drivers to be mindful when packing their cars for long journeys. Despite the allure of a large boot, drivers should avoid packing bulky items that obstruct the rear view mirror. Furthermore, overloading a car can affect its handling and increase stopping distance, thereby heightening the risk of accidents.

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