A woman has taken to social media to ask users whether she should change her name after sharing the harsh reaction she has received from strangers about it

A woman has been left questioning whether she should change her name after receiving no end of insults about it.

While she doesn’t mind the moniker, she is worried it’ll hold her back in life after receiving such a harsh reaction to it. She asked on Reddit : “Is my name ugly? Should I change it? My name’s Presley and people tell me it’s an ugly name, or that it’s tacky. I’ve seen people suggest this name for babies and have often been hit with how many people truly think it’s a bad name.

“Should I change it? Would you be uncomfortable dating someone named Presley? Should I feel bad?” She went on to share how most of her friends call her by the nickname Bunny instead – and sometimes people mistake her name for Paisley.

She added: “I always loved when people called me Paisley, so maybe. If Bunny doesn’t stick. I know it’s an even weirder name, but it’s cute to me. I’d totally own the hate I’d get for it.” Commenting on her post, one user said: “I changed my first name years ago and it really comes down to how you feel about it.

“I had a silly, ‘unique’ name that was far worse than yours so I feel like I can safely tell you – if I were you, I would change it. I personally think it does sound tacky and will make people not take you seriously. Names are much more important to our identity than people realise so parents should be careful on how they name their children.

“I can tell you I am so much happier with my new, normal name and only regret not doing it sooner.” Another user added: “That’s my sister’s name and she never had any issues but it’s really how you feel about it. I had a normal name and hated it and changed it to something that gets more negative reactions than the first one did but I love my name.”

A third user said: “I think it’s adorable and androgynous! What really matters though is that you feel happy with your name.” One more user added: “Honest question: do you think it’s an ugly name? And I mean you, not the you that has heard others give their opinion, but you yourself separated from all that input.

“If no, then you’re good. If yes, then consider changing it or going by a nickname. Don’t worry about what other people think. 100% of names are made up. All that matters is that you like it. If it helps, I personally think Presley is a fine name.”

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