How effective your supplements are could depend on a number of factors – including when you take them and what you do after.

A wellness expert has issued a warning to anyone taking daily vitamin or mineral supplements. Supplements aim to boost what our bodies do not produce enough of – from certain hormones to vitamins and minerals that usually come from food.

A blood test usually helps doctors figure out if you are deficient in a certain vitamin or mineral, which might add to your overall pain. However, the effectiveness of your supplements could depend on a number of factors – including when you take them and what you do after.

Wellness expert and owner of Miracle Leaf Wellness, Agnieszka Kozlowska, has shared a 30-minute rule everyone should follow when taking supplements, as well as one thing to not do immediately after – drink caffeine.

For those taking iron supplements, the expert claims that drinking caffeine can impact how much of it is absorbed by the body. Kozlowska said: “Taking iron with tea or coffee can reduce their effectiveness, as drinks like these can block your body from fully absorbing certain nutrients, especially iron.

“Avoid tea or coffee for a couple of hours before and after taking them and for better absorption, take iron with a glass of orange juice, as vitamin C helps your body process it more effectively.”

According to Healthline, several studies have found that coffee and other caffeinated drinks can reduce iron absorption. The stronger the coffee or tea, the less iron is absorbed, while regular coffee consumption may also have an effect on iron storage levels.

Caffeine also impacts how your body absorbs vitamin D; the expert added: “Caffeine can reduce your body’s ability to absorb and utilise vitamin D effectively, as caffeine interferes with the receptors that help your body use vitamin D.

“Since vitamin D is important for strong bones, a healthy immune system, and good sleep, it’s important to wait at least 30 minutes before or after your coffee to take your vitamin D supplement.”

While for those taking vitamins B and C, caffeine can increase urination, which means it the nutrients are flushed from your body before they’re absorbed. The expert recommends adjusting the timing of your supplements to improve their effectiveness.

Agnieszka Kozlowska suggests a simple way to maximise the benefits of your supplements. She said: “Take them with plain water. Leaving a 30-minute gap before or after your morning coffee ensures your body absorbs the nutrients properly.”

When it comes to combating how caffeine impacts the effects of your supplements, the expert said: “Caffeine can cause the body to lose essential minerals like magnesium and potassium, which are important for hydration, heart health, and energy. Adding electrolytes to water is an effective way to replenish these levels.”

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