You could be unknowingly causing your bloating with some common eating habits.

Bloated man
An expert shared a simple and free way to alleviate bloating(Image: Getty)

An NHS doctor has revealed a “free and easy” way to reduce bloating that is “highly effective”. This method doesn’t rely on supplements or special drinks.

Bloating is a pretty common phenomenon with around 25 per cent of healthy people experiencing it at some point. While it is usually caused by a build-up of gas in the gut it can also be the result of digestive issues such as constipation or a food intolerance.

And if it continues for more than three weeks or more it is worth seeking medical advice as it could be linked to something more serious. However, in most cases, bloating can be minimised by making a simple change to our eating habits.

Doctor Karan Rajan, who is best known online as Dr Raj, took to social media platform Instagram to share his top tips. “If you want to reduce bloating, this one thing is free, easy to do, doesn’t involve supplements, and in many cases is highly effective,” the expert told his 1.6 million followers.

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His advice is pretty simple: take breaks between eating. This means no snacking and spacing your meals out by at least three or four hours.

Dr Raj explained that this allows the gut to be cleaned of any remaining food particles and bacteria, which can lead to bloating. He said: “Inside your digestive tract you have your very own internal garbage collectors known as the migrating motor complex.

“Think of it as a biological Roomba. It’s a wave-like muscle contraction that sweeps through your digestive tract between meals, removing leftover food particles and bacteria.

Constantly snacking could be one of the reasons you are bloating(Image: Getty)

“It’s your own personal housekeeper that ensures your gut remains clean and efficient. This process is crucial for preventing bacterial overgrowth and the build up of food debris, both of which can lead to bloating and discomfort.”

However, this system can only fully work if you give your gut a rest from eating. Dr Raj continued: “And this biological cleaning crew is most active when you’re not eating.

“When you snack frequently you’re essentially leaving the lights on, signalling that it’s always meal time. This constant stimulation prevents activation of the cleanup crew.

He recommended leaving three or four hours between meals(Image: Getty)

“So the cleanup crews skip work and your gut gets a bit untidy with undigested food particles and bacteria lingering in your gut, which equals more bloating due to bacterial fermentation.”

He added: “Bloating is a complex, multifaceted issue influenced by various factors including your diet, gut microbiome, and even a hormonal changes. But if you’re a snacking demon and you experience a lot of bloating try spacing your meals three to four hours apart to let your gut do its thing”.

The NHS warns that you should see your GP if:

  • You’ve been feeling bloated for three weeks or more
  • You feel bloated regularly (more than 12 times a month)
  • You’ve tried changing your diet but keep feeling bloated
  • You have a swelling or lump in your tummy
  • You have bloating along with being sick, diarrhoea, constipation, weight loss or blood in your poo
  • You find it difficult to move or do daily activities because you’re bloated.
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