Researchers discovered drinking 12 ounces of the juice daily for a week causes positive changes in a person’s health

Scientists have made a juicy discovery that could be a game-changer for those battling the bulge. Elderberries, the small dark purple fruit from elder trees found across Europe, are not just immune-boosting supplements loaded with antioxidants and vitamins; they might also be a secret weapon in weight management.

A team led by Washington State University has uncovered that elderberry juice can significantly improve gut health and aid in glucose tolerance and fat burning. The findings, published in the journal Nutrients, show that drinking 12 ounces of this berry juice daily for one week can lead to beneficial changes in the gut microbiome.

“Elderberry is an underappreciated berry, commercially and nutritionally,” said Patrick Solverson, assistant professor at WSU’s Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine and lead author of the study. “We’re now starting to recognise its value for human health, and the results are very exciting.”

In a trial involving 18 overweight individuals, participants were given either elderberry juice or a placebo concoction that mimicked the real deal in colour and taste, crafted by North Carolina State University’s Food Innovation Lab. All while sticking to a controlled diet, reports Surrey Live.

The findings showed that those who drank the juice had considerably more good gut bacteria and less harmful ones, which is crucial for absorbing nutrients and overall well-being; plus, their body’s ability to regulate sugar improved, with a 24% reduction in blood glucose levels and a 9% drop in insulin after consuming carbohydrates.

Moreover, the consumption of elderberry juice was linked to enhanced fat burning, particularly after consuming carbs and during physical activity. Experts attribute these effects to the berry’s rich content of anthocyanins—a type of plant compound known for its health-enhancing properties such as reducing inflammation and combating diabetes and bacteria.

Prof Solverson said: “Food is medicine, and science is catching up to that popular wisdom. This study contributes to a growing body of evidence that elderberry, which has been used as a folk remedy for centuries, has numerous benefits for metabolic as well as prebiotic health.”

While other berries do contain anthocyanins, they’re typically found in lower concentrations. To get the same dose of anthocyanins found in 6 ounces of elderberry juice, you’d have to eat four cups of blackberries a day, according to one expert.

Despite elderberry products being less popular in the U.S. compared to Europe, demand for them skyrocketed during the Covid-19 pandemic and continues to grow. The researchers have even filed for a provisional patent to use the bioactive components of American black elderberry for weight management and gut health through supplements or other applications.

They plan to investigate further uses of elderberry juice, including whether it can help those who’ve stopped taking weight loss medications maintain their weight. However, more studies are needed to confirm these initial findings and to determine the long-term effects of elderberry in different populations.

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