Amber Elise has a huge following on TikTok thanks to her tips on cleaning the home and offered an alternative for a common way to wipe down kitchen countertops

A cleaning expert shared a common mistake that unwittingly spreads bacteria around the kitchen.

Amber Elise posts regular videos on TikTok under the name @bubblesandbuckets that highlights tips and tricks for better cleaning around the home and has 444,000 followers. In one particular clip, called ‘3 cleaning mistakes you might be making’, she notes than many people reach for the sponge in the sink to clean counters with. She starts: “Using the sponge in your sink to wipe down your countertops,” before adding that, “these harbour so much bacteria”. Instead she advocates grabbing a “microfibre towel” to clean the kitchen.

Elsewhere in the video, which had hundreds of likes, Amber said: “If you use too much, it’s just going to create a residue and film that’s left behind, and create more of a mess that’s left for you to clean up.” Her last tip urged people not to clean up any disinfectant too soon, saying: “If you’re disinfecting your countertops, be sure to read the label on the bottle. Usually the product has to sit for five-ten minutes before it actually disinfects.”

One person commented: “Leaving cleaners to sit for a bit is such a great tip,” while another added: “I didn’t know I was supposed to let the product sit a little while to disinfect. Thank you!” A user even offered a cleaning tip they’d picked up from someone else, writing: “Make the sponges clean by microwaving it while damp for a min. It was a tip from my microbiology professor.”

Elsewhere, another profile on TikTok full of cleaning tips reminded people of an essential preliminary step when it comes to cleaning the toilet. User @home_reimagined stated: “This is your reminder to deep clean your toilet. I know it seems weird, but as with any cleaning, you need to start by dusting the toilet first.”

This often-skipped action is crucial, according to her method. She warned that without this step, you’ll end up just “pushing wet debris around”, which won’t do any favours for those dreaming of a gleaming bathroom. Using a disposable or washable duster is key, she added.

“Love all your cleaning tips”, one person praised. While another confessed: “I use Q-tips to get into the crevices instead of removing the toilet seat.” Another individual commented on the “unusual” tip, saying: “Yes!! I use my swiffer to clean off the dust on the toilet first too!!”

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