Mandy Damari, the mother of Emily, 28, described her charismatic British-Israeli daughter as a fan of Ed Sheeran and Adele, a Spurs supporter, and a woman who embodied a blend of classic British wit and Israeli ‘chutzpah’

The mother of the only British captive remaining in Gaza a full year after her abduction by Hamas has made an appeal for her daughter’s safe return: “I need her back with me now, alive, before it is too late for her.”

Mandy Damari delivered her heartfelt plea during a recording aired at an event reflecting on the October 7 bombings in Israel. Among those listening were Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis and ex-PM Rishi Sunak, as she revealed the update that six hostages had been murdered in Gaza’s subterranean passages, classifying it as “a horror beyond imaginable”.

She said: “We have clear photographic evidence of the conditions which Emily and the other hostages are likely living in. It is a desperate and living hell.”

“I am a mother and it goes against every grain of my being to profess that I need help with the child that I know best, the child that I brought into this world, but I do so desperately need help and I ask you for it now. I have always believed in the power of prayer but more importantly, the power of collective prayer.”

Ms. Damari noted Emily was residing peacefully in Kfar Aza, a tranquil kibbutz, until Hamas wreaked havoc right at her doorstep. Ms Damari has previously recounted the ordeal, stating that 64 neighbours – men, women, children, and the elderly – were killed, with 19 abducted.

She revealed that while 12 women were eventually released, two hostages tragically died in friendly fire during an escape attempt, and five remain captive in Gaza, including her daughter Emily. Emily, who cherished her dog Choocha, tragically lost the pet when it was shot in the neck.

Ms Damari fondly described her charismatic British-Israeli daughter as a fan of Ed Sheeran and Adele, a Spurs supporter, and a woman who embodied a blend of classic British wit and Israeli “chutzpah”. She said: “It’s not widely known or acknowledged that a British national has been held hostage in Gaza for one year now.”

“As British Jews, it is our duty and responsibility. I always say that I love her to the moon and back. i need her back with me now, alive, before it is too late for her. Bring all the hostages home – the living back to their families and the murdered for a respectable burial.”

“Please help us to return them all now. Our power and strength as Jewish people has never been in our numbers, but in our belief in hope and in prayer. We have never needed this strength and prayer more than now. Please help me to bring my daughter Emily home.”

At the event, which saw Mr Sunak light a memorial candle, Sir Oliver Dowden, MP for Hertsmere, was among the guests.

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