Avebury Henge in Wiltshire is the largest stone circle in Britain and a witch who casts spells and reads tarot cards for her clients believes it is better than nearby Stonehenge

A small village in England described as “magical” by a witch is home to the largest stone circle in Britain – and it’s said to be much better than Stonehenge.

Avebury in Wiltshire is visited by history lovers all year round as it boasts Avebury Henge, which consists of around 100 huge stones. Dee Johnson, known as The Modern Witch, visits the area around four times a year and never gets tired of seeing or touching the rocks. Dee, who is a Third Degree Wiccan High Priestess who casts spells, describes Avebury as a “completely magical place” which makes you feel like you’ve “gone to heaven”. The site, just a 40-minute drive from Stonehenge, is managed by The National Trust on behalf of English Heritage.

“Avebury henge and stone circles are one of the greatest marvels of prehistoric Britain,” the English Heritage website says. “Built and much altered during the Neolithic period, roughly between 2850 BC and 2200 BC, the henge survives as a huge circular bank and ditch, encircling an area that includes part of Avebury village. Within the henge is the largest stone circle in Britain – originally of about 100 stones – which in turn encloses two smaller stone circles.”

The stones at Avebury Henge are both older and larger than Stonehenge, which make it that little bit more attractive. Speaking to Sun Online Travel, Dee said: “Avebury is a totally magical place. “I say forget Stonehenge because Avebury is only 23 miles away. The stones are really interesting, and you don’t realise just how massive they are until you get up close and touch them.” Free to visit, Avebury Henge has its own car park while sheep are regularly seen grazing on site. According to Dee, those who visit Avebury should also take a look at the nearby wishing tree.

Dee added: “There’s also a wishing tree, which you can touch. You can either touch the tree or tie a ribbon to its branches to make a wish.” Believed to have inspired JRR Tolkien’s Ents creation in The Lord of the Rings, fantasy lovers flock to the area to catch a glimpse of the special trees. Also in the village is the Red Lion pub, which is said to be one of the most haunted pubs in Britain. Dee added: “Avebury is a completely magical place, and I’ve even heard people say it’s like they’ve ‘gone to heaven’ when they visit.”

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