Alicia McCarvell often talks about how she’s been taunted by trolls because of her appearance. She recently opened up about how her body image insecurities once nearly prevented her from finding love

Love comes in all shapes and forms, and there’s no secret recipe to the perfect match.

When it comes to relationships, everyone is looking for something different, and this is what we often forget. Perhaps that’s why one woman once thought she “didn’t deserve” her ripped husband simply because of how she looked.

Alicia McCarvell often talks about how she’s been taunted by trolls because of her appearance. People are quick to say how “different” she is to her super-toned husband, Scott McCarvell, just because of her size.

Recently she admitted her looks nearly led to her pushing Scott away, as it was something she really worried about. Luckily, over time, she learnt to realise how much he loved her (and vice versa), and now the pair are happily married.

This is why she spends so much of her time opening up about body image – to encourage people to appreciate all body types and love themselves for who they are. Nonetheless, she thinks it’s important to remind people where she started.

Writing on Instagram, Alicia said: “I spent so long thinking I didn’t deserve @scottymc4 love – even though everyday he showed up to love me, all of me, always. I hated myself so much that I pushed him away. I made him feel silly for loving me.

“I made myself feel worthless. It wasn’t until I learned just how valuable I was that I started to see what he had always seen in me.

“You are loveable, not by others, but first and foremost yourself.”

Since she shared the post, over 65,000 people liked it, and her followers were quick to comment too. They thanked both Alicia and Scott for reminding them what’s important, and also noted the couple look so “happy” together.

One person said: “You two are the cutest love! We are in a similar love story for 39 years and feeling loved is all you needed. No one outside of the love you have for each other matter.”

Another added: “Yes! Scott is very lucky to have you!” A third also replied: “My boyfriend and I have similar body types to you two. Sometimes I still wonder why he loves me but with how he acts towards me it’s clear he does.

“I found somebody who really fits with me and if I had let my insecurities dictate who I date this amazing relationship never would have been. By allowing those insecurities to dictate who I hate, I dated a bunch of losers. Things are good now and I’ve never been happier.”

Earlier this year the body positive influencer also opened up about how trolls tell her that her husband only married her for her money. When it comes to social media, some of the messages she receives really are cruel, and she said they can be “so unoriginal, it hurts”.

Some examples of the comments she’s received so far include “Did he marry his third for a mansion?” and “Bro deserved better”. It’s hard to believe people would constantly say such things to a total stranger.

Alicia shared the post alongside the caption: “The same boys who call me names and tell me to get into the gym, are the ones that make fun of me for being in one.”

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