Love Island’s Paige Thorne has faced backlash for her choice of language in a rant following a holiday where she didn’t work out and ‘ate really badly’ – and now a personal trainer has waded in

A Love Island star has come under fire from fans after ranting about how “horrific” she felt for not working out for a few days, admitting she then had a “punisher” day.

While many are trying to undo the “toxic diet culture” talk that equates exercise and intuitive movement with punishment, it seems that season eight’s Paige Thorne didn’t get the memo. In a TikTok, she said she “didn’t work out” and “ate really badly” when she was away, so she was punishing herself with “two hours of cardio”, despite the fact she admitted she wasn’t in the mood. And personal trainer Steve Ahern from Goal Plans by has expressed his concern with the use of language.

Warning: The language used in the following video may be triggering to some viewers.

Paige shared that she wanted to “do a 5K”, and then “go to the gym and do what I would usually do in the gym” – which is absolutely fine, but the “punisher day” language sparked concerns.

Steve said: “Honestly I can’t believe that in 2024 we’re still seeing toxic diet culture being promoted on social media, especially by influencers who have a large platform. Paige has half a million followers on TikTok and among her fans are impressionable young girls so it’s very harmful to showcase this kind of behaviour as ‘normal’.

“Her choice of words can be extremely triggering for some people because it sends out a message that not exercising or eating healthy should be punished. You should never feel like you need to punish yourself just because you missed a few workouts or went off your diet while enjoying your holiday.

“There’s no point in trying to compensate by severely reducing your calories or pushing through an extreme workout as this is not sustainable and will not help you get back on track. Instead, you should just slowly return to your normal diet and workout routine, be gentle on yourself and don’t beat yourself up over enjoying your life.

“The punishment part isn’t actually the workouts coming back from holiday it’s putting your body through poor diet, poor sleep, and lack of water. It’s absolutely fine going on holiday and overindulging as we all do it, but when you come back to reality and come back to your routine, don’t think short term, think long term.

“You’re not going to undo your entire holiday in a few rough workouts, this way you’re actually more likely to get injured and put you back even further.”

In the comments of her TikTok, others expressed their worries too, with people writing: “You don’t have to punish your body!!!”, “Punisher day is crazy, so damaging”, and “Punisher day? I thought you were meant to be an influencer”.

The Mirror has contacted Paige for comment.

If you want to change your diet, or are interested in exercising, contact your GP for guidance.

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