One of the best ways to fend off developing back pain is to keep in the habit of moving, but there are specific exercises and stretches you can do that can help with lower back pain

Many of us will suffer from back pain at one time or another. One of the key causes for the condition is that our modern lifestyles are too sedentary, that is we do not move enough.

One of the best ways to fend off developing back pain is to keep in the habit of moving, simply stretching your back side to side and twisting from the waist can help. Getting into a regime of movement is a good way to stay healthy.

There are specific exercises and stretches you can do to help with lower back pain. But stop if your pain gets worse and see a GP for advice. Here are four exercises you can do to promote a healthy back.

Almost any exercises that strengthen your core and lower back muscles will help – but the key is to perform each exercise with good posture and a tight core to reinforce good habits and increase the effectiveness of each movement.

Four stretches to help your lower back

1. Arch Hold

Start on your belly with your legs straight and arms extended overhead. Lift your legs and your chest to create a banana shape with your body. Stay long and extend your biceps by your ears. Squeeze your bottom to create strength and tension along the back body. Hold this position for 30 seconds, rest and then repeat 2–3 more times.

2. Swimmer Kicks

From the arch hold, begin to make small “kicks” with the arms (forward, parallel to ground) and legs (backward and parallel to ground). These exercises add dynamic movement to the arch position. Complete 50 repetitions of swimmer kicks. This is also a great glute exercise.

3. Forearm Plank

From the top of a push-up, or plank position, drop down to your forearms. Drive your forearms down into the floor as you pull your belly button up towards your spine. Engage your legs and squeeze your butt. Hold this position for one minute, rest, then repeat two more times.

4. Bird Dog

From the top of a push-up with your hands underneath your shoulders and your legs strong and core tight, extend your right arm forward as you lift your left foot off the ground. Return to planks and then extend your left arm forward and lift your right foot up. Return to plank. Continue to alternate back and forth between sides for one minute. Rest, and then repeat two more times.

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