The experts found that travellers booking on a Sunday can save up to 21 per cent on domestic flights compared to Mondays and up to 22 per cent on international flights compared to Fridays
Booking a flight for your holiday is a pivotal moment, as it can either make or break your budget.
Now, travel experts have revealed a small trick that could save you a significant amount of money when booking flights. Experts from Expedia suggest that booking your flight on a Sunday could help you save more on your holidays.
They found that travellers who book on Sundays can save up to 21 per cent on domestic flights compared to Mondays and up to 22 per cent on international flights compared to Fridays. Meanwhile, the day you choose to fly can also impact the cost.
The experts recommend flying out of the country on a Friday instead of a Sunday to save up to 14 per cent. For domestic travel within the UK, Saturday is the most affordable day. Flights on Saturdays are typically 18 per cent cheaper than those on Mondays, likely due to Monday being a popular day for business travel, which drives up demand and prices, while Saturday sees lower demand.
While booking in advance generally results in lower costs, there is an optimal booking window for the best deals. Booking in advance can save you money, but the best time to secure the best deals is typically 13 to 21 days before your planned departure, reports the Express.
This key timeframe is known as the “magic window,” when tickets for international flights are approximately eight per cent cheaper than booking two months prior to departure. During this period, airlines frequently adjust their prices to fill any remaining seats.
On the other hand, for domestic flights, it is often even more cost-effective to book between 170 to 180 days before the scheduled departure date.