The Money Saving Expert founder, Martin Lewis, has been getting to the bottom of what renters can do to get landlords to fix black mould as he launches a new offshoot of his hugely successful podcast

Martin Lewis, often hailed as the “people’s chancellor” by his throngs of followers, has just rolled out a new initiative aimed at providing crucial advice on areas outside his usual expertise. Launching the ‘Not the Martin Lewis Podcast’, this fresh venture dives into some of the most pressing financial dilemmas Brits face today, starting with the private rental sector crisis.

In this new branch of his wildly popular Martin Lewis Podcast, the money-saving maestro explores key issues plaguing millions of renters, from escalating rents to substandard living conditions. Joined by experts Ben Leonard from ACORN, along with Judy Ford and Emma Jackson from Citizens Advice, the inaugural episode delves into common renter challenges such as confronting rent hikes and securing necessary repairs from landlords.

The discussion also covered strategies for dealing with deteriorating property conditions, like peeling paint or the emergence of harmful black mould. Highlighting the plight of tenants, especially when it comes to challenging no-fault evictions or curbing steep rent increases, the panel underscored the limited protections available to renters under current legislation.

Ben Leonard pointedly remarked to the Money Saving Expert that the “system doesn’t really work that well for renters.”

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After tackling a tricky query on freehold, Mr Lewis merged two common audience concerns into one for his panel, posing the questions: “Are you entitled to compensation for issues of severe damp which arose prior to occupation but took the landlord seven months to move tenants out? ” And “Is it okay for my landlord to just tell me to keep the window open? ”

Judy Ford from Citizens Advice, well-versed in handling tenant woes related to mould, explained: “It’s about understanding how the mould and damp is actually being formed. Sometimes they are structural which is 100 per cent the landlord’s responsibility.

“And sometimes, unfortunately, it can be tenant lifestyle and in those situations, yes, making sure you ventilate the property correctly would help. It’s not about whether it’s legal to just say to the tenant ‘open the window’, it’s more about actually getting to the source of what the damp and mould actually is.”

Probing further, Lewis asked Judy whose job it was to figure out the cause of the black mould. She responded: “It will be the landlord’s responsibility as it comes under his repairing obligations as the structure of the property. So that’s his starting point, and from there, once you know where the source is, you can decide.”

A financial expert has suggested that tenant behaviour could be behind damp problems, stating: “So if it were to be the tenant that was causing the damp, then the landlord should tell the tenant that you need to change your behaviour in a certain manner. But if it’s structural, then it is for the landlord to sort. And how quickly does this have to be done? “.

Sadly, the Renters Act, which might have enforced action on black mould and damp – causes of severe respiratory illness and even death – never materialised because PM Rishi Sunak called a general election. After the tragic loss of two year old Awaab Ishak, who died in a damp-infested Rochdale home, the Mirror’s sister title the Manchester Evening News spearheaded a campaign regarding this crucial issue.

According to Citizens Advice, landlords are required to address mould issues within a “reasonable time”, although no specific timeframe is currently laid out. One effective measure against black mould caused by human activity is ensuring good heating and ventilation in the property. However, with the ongoing cost of living crisis cooling the country’s thermostat settings, the problem seems to be escalating.

Moreover, as soaring rents leave tenants cash-strapped, maintaining properties warm enough to impede condensation and resulting black mould is turning into a Sisyphean struggle.

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