If you want your clothes to come out clean, it’s a good idea to clean your washing machine every now and again – and this hack will leave your machine sparkling clean

Whether you notice it or not, dirt tends to accumulate inside your washing machine, which isn’t ideal when you want your clothes to come out clean.

However, a group of cleaning enthusiasts have stumbled upon a brilliant trick that will leave your washing machines gleaming and free from any built-up grime.

This was discovered by a group of parents who were having difficulty removing the dirt and filth from their washing machines, so they put their heads together and found a solution that was both cost-effective and straightforward.

One person said the hack they discovered left them “mesmerised,” while another confessed they could see the “shine on the drum” after trying the trick themselves.

The group of parents, who congregated on the Facebook group Mums Who Clean, shared the hack, then tried and tested it in 2020 – and it’s as simple as tossing a dishwasher tablet – no specific brand necessary – into the machine and running it on a hot cycle.

The mums found that within minutes the machines were filled with dirty brown water, which is far from ideal for a machine that should clean your clothes.

Some mums decided to throw caution to the wind and used four dishwasher tablets at a time to ensure it was sparkling clean. While the results of the cleaning process were rather grim, the hack did the job, leaving the washing machine drum sparkling and clean.

The Sun revealed that despite trying various online cleaning hacks, one woman found that nothing worked as well as dishwasher tablets for scrubbing her washing machine. She had previously tried using hot water and vinegar, which only did half the job.

Shockingly, several parents witnessed their machines filling with dirt within a mere five minutes. Another impressed user stated: “Decided to try using dishwasher tablets to clean my washing machine – I am now mesmerised.”

Meanwhile, a fourth individual noticed the drum beginning to shine. In a different cleaning trick with dishwasher tablets, a savvy lady shared her method for keeping her oven gleaming.

She bypassed hours of laborious scrubbing of stubborn burnt-on food and stains by dissolving a tablet on a moistened cloth and wiping down her oven’s surface. The 5p solution yielded impressive results, with before-and-after shots showing her oven door free from oil and grime.

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