Half a decade has past since the Covid pandemic sent us into lockdown – and we want to know how YOU feel about it all now. From wearing a mask and following the rules to working from home and everything in between – here’s your opportunity to let it all out

It’s hard to believe it has been five years since we were all thrown into lockdown as the Covid pandemic turned the world upside down.

Stocking up on toilet paper, Zoom meetings, face-masks and wondering if we’d ever get to hug our loved ones again, it was a scary time and one that went on to change our lives in so many ways. As we reflect on the anniversary of us all being forced to stay indoors, we want to hear from YOU.

Our survey aims to really get into the nitty gritty of how lockdown affected you. Has your life changed for better or worse because of it? Did you agree with all the new rules, or were you questioning some of the decisions made by the government? Now that we’re slowly moving into a post-pandemic world, are you worried about another outbreak or future lockdowns? We’ll be asking things such as:

Would you follow the rules again?
Think back to the strict lockdowns and the ever-changing guidelines. If we had to go through it all over again, would you follow the same rules? Many of us were willing to do whatever it took to protect each other, but the strict measures left some frustrated and, at times, confused. Would you still be as compliant if it happened again, or do you feel differently now?

How has Covid changed your life?
For some, the pandemic meant a lot of uncertainty, job loss, and challenges. For others, it was a time of reflection, change, or even growth. We’re curious – do you feel like your life has gotten better or worse since Covid began? Did you start a new hobby, move to a new place, or switch careers? Or has the aftermath left you feeling stuck?

How did it make you feel at the time?
When the pandemic first hit, it really did feel as if the world was spinning out of control. For many, the fear, confusion, and uncertainty were overwhelming. How did you cope with the emotional turmoil of lockdowns, social distancing, and constant updates on rising case numbers? Did you find comfort in your community, or did you feel disconnected from the world?

Do you still wear a mask?
It remains a hot topic of debate. While many restrictions have been lifted, some people continue to wear masks in certain settings. Are you one of them? Or have you embraced the post-pandemic world and put your mask away? We’d love to know where you stand on this.

Did you agree with the rules?
Decisons made by Boris Johnson’s administration throughout the pandemic were met with mixed opinions. Some of us agreed with the rules, trusting they would protect us, while others questioned whether they went too far. Looking back, do you think the government handled things well? Would you have done anything differently if you were in charge?

Are you worried about a future pandemic?
The idea of another global health crisis looms in the back of our minds. It’s hard not to wonder what could happen next time. Do you feel prepared for another pandemic? Or has the experience of Covid made you more resilient, knowing we can weather storms if we pull together?

It’s been a whirlwind five years, with enough time now past to gain some perspective on such an unsettling period in our lives – and we’d love to hear what you have to say.

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