To be fair, he doesn’t get drunk a lot, maybe twice a month, but I’ve found myself dreading him coming home if he’s been out with his mates after work because I know he’s going to be in a dreadful mood.

Dear Coleen

I’ve been with my partner for about two years and he moved in with me and my two teenage boys six months ago.

He is such a good guy and both my boys really like him, however, when he’s had a drink, he gets really argumentative and turns into this person I barely recognise. It’s like he’s got a split personality.

To be fair, he doesn’t get drunk a lot, maybe twice a month, but I’ve found myself dreading him coming home if he’s been out with his mates after work because I know he’s going to be in a dreadful mood.

When he’s been drinking, he picks on the boys for being messy or lazy and has a go at me for being too soft on them. This really hurts because they went through a tough time when I divorced their dad and they are both good kids. I end up defending them, as any mother would, which then causes a huge row.

I don’t know what to do because I love him and know it’s the drink talking but, equally, I don’t know if I can put up with it for much longer. I’m especially concerned for my boys, who’ve been through enough. What do you think?

Coleen says

I’m with you. I’ve never had much patience with drunks, at least the horrible miserable ones, and I think it’s really damaging for kids to be around that behaviour. You need to get tough with your partner and put some boundaries in place that are non-negotiable.

For example, if he knows he’s going out with his mates, he can either not get drunk or arrange somewhere else to stay that night. He needs to be in no doubt that this is a make-or-break situation for you and you will not put up with him having a go at your kids.

Also, if his behaviour is changing this much when he drinks, then he needs to look at why it’s affecting him and make a decision about how he wants to live his life. He might only drink a couple of times a month, but if he’s getting abusive then it’s a couple of times too many.

My dad was argumentative and aggressive after he’d been drinking and it’s caused issues for me. I’ll never forget it. I think it’s why I grew up with almost a phobia of alcohol and couldn’t bear to be around drunk people. And it might be why I hardly ever touch alcohol.

So, your letter sets off alarm bells for me. Address it now and don’t let it slide. If he loves you and wants to be part of your family, then he should take your feelings on board.

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