A woman shared her heartache after discovering her daughter has been excluded from a classmate’s birthday party – and it’s set to take place right down the street from their house

A woman has been left heartbroken after discovering her daughter is one of the only children not invited to a classmate’s birthday party.

She explained how the birthday girl’s mum not only invited almost her entire class but also children from other parts of the school – excluding her even further. She only came to learn about the celebration because another parent slipped up and spoke about the party in front of her at the school gates.

Taking to Mumsnet, she said: “My daughter’s classmate has a birthday party today and it seems like most of the class is invited plus kids from the other class are invited too (two form entry primary school). I only found out as a mum from another class said yesterday ‘See you tomorrow’ I asked what she meant and she said it’s X’s party.

“I wouldn’t usually dwell on it but the venue happens to be right on our street. The birthday mum knows this and has been to a party at our home last year.” Trying to soften the blow, she decided to take her daughter out for a mother-daughter day of fun so she had something to talk about on Monday when they all returned to school after the party.

She added: “I feel sad for my daughter as she might see people coming or going and will see the birthday decorations and realise it’s her birthday. I personally would never do this. In the past when we have parties at home I make sure we send cake for little neighbours and even invite them along if appropriate.” Commenting on her post, one user said: “This Is awful, yes I know they can invite who they want etc but a classmate and neighbour really is unkind.”

Another user added: “Unfortunately this will happen. I don’t think it’s horrible. It’s no more horrible to force a child to invite someone to their birthday they don’t want there. It is upsetting for you and your daughter, I think anyone would be upset. I would take your daughter out for a fun day instead. A third user said: “It’s so hurtful. My son is 17 now and I still haven’t forgiven the mum who left him out of her son’s 6th birthday party!”

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