A woman is furious with her husband over the name he wants to give their future son, as she believes it’s so ridiculous it’ll get him bullied – but her partner doesn’t care

No matter how much you love your chosen baby name, if your partner doesn’t like it, you shouldn’t use it.

There’s a common saying when it comes to choosing a name for your little one that if it’s not two yeses, it’s a no. This means that both parents must agree on the baby’s name, or else it can’t be used. There will be some exceptions to this, and every couple can decide what’s best for them, but that’s a general rule of thumb that’s useful to follow.

One woman, however, claimed her husband doesn’t seem to understand that concept. He’s told her the name he wants to give their future son and is unwilling to budge – even though she hates it.

The woman said she’s not currently pregnant, but she and her spouse discussed baby names for future use. Her husband’s desired name, however, has been making her furious.

In a post on Reddit, the woman explained her husband wants to call their son Yves. He is not French and has no ties to France but simply likes the name. The woman, who is Korean-American, doesn’t want to use the moniker because she knows the stress of being made fun of for having an unusual name as kids used to tease her at her US school for having a Korean middle name.

She said: “I’m probably more sensitive to this than others because I’m Korean and have a Korean middle name that I used to hate as a kid. It wasn’t even my first name, but kids would find out and make fun of it. My brother has a Korean-English first name that my parents made up, and he also was made fun of.”

The woman explained this to her husband, but said people will “learn how to pronounce it”. When the woman doubled down and said she didn’t want her future kids to go through the same thing she did at school, her husband told her he doesn’t believe being made fun of because of your name is “not a big deal”.

She added: “He genuinely believes that being made fun of because of your name is not a big deal. It honestly upsets me so much. Can others please chime in, or is he actually right? Yves would be a great name for a boy that most people would recognise and pronounce correctly?”

Commenters on the post were split. While many said they thought the name Yves was absolutely fine for an American child, they agreed if she wasn’t happy with it, then the couple should think of an alternative name.

One person said: “Sorry, I actually think it’s a fine name. I know Yves, and he doesn’t have any problems with his name, as far as I’m aware. He’s Australian of east Asian descent, possibly Korean, so he’s in a similar situation as your potential child. Having said that, when both parents are present, both get a say in naming a child. A name that is disliked by one parent should be removed from consideration.”

Another added: “I think it’s a very beautiful name, but in America, it will absolutely be uncommon and unlikely for people to pronounce correctly on the first try. Also, I know you said you’re not thinking about kids currently, but either way it’s a ‘two yes’ situation on baby names. There are a lot of beautiful names out there that will match both of your specifications.”

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