A woman has been left hurt and embarrassed after her husband ‘flipped out’ at her for using their son’s middle name, as he claimed she was being ‘disrespectful’

Young unhappy father with baby and wife suffering from postnatal depression at home.
She was shocked by her husband’s outburst (Stock Image)(Image: nd3000 via Getty Images)

A woman was left mortified when her husband had a meltdown over their son’s name.

She shared that six months ago, she and her husband welcomed their first child, “a beautiful baby boy,” into the world. For “privacy purposes,” she chose not to disclose his first name but revealed his middle name is ‘Adam’.

“We had a long back-and-forth about baby names when I was pregnant, but ultimately, we both loved the name Adam,” she elaborated.

She went on to say: “I loved the name Adam because I’ve been a huge fan of Adam Warlock since I was a kid. I’m a massive Marvel nerd, and Adam Warlock has always been my favourite character. I never thought I’d get to use the name for a kid, but when I brought it up to my husband, he was surprisingly on board.”

However, they decided to give their child the name Adam as his middle name, as her “husband wanted something more ‘professional’ or ‘grounded’ for the first name”. She agreed, happy to have Adam as the middle name and pleased that he allowed her to “pay homage” to something so dear to her.

She posted on Reddit: “Then ever since he was born, I’ve kind of naturally gravitated toward calling him Adam. I don’t know why. It just feels right. I use his first name, too, but at home with him, it’s almost always Adam. I never thought this was a big deal because my husband has heard me do this from day one and never once said anything about it.”

She explained that while she often calls their son by his middle name, Adam, her husband usually uses his first name. “He calls our son by his first name more often, which is fine with me. I figured we were just both using the names we liked, and there wasn’t a problem.”

However, things took a turn when her husband suddenly “snapped” during a casual moment at home. “My husband whipped his head around and just LOST it. He said something along the lines of, ‘Why do you keep calling him Adam? That’s not even his real name,” she recounted.

Caught off guard by his outburst, she reminded him of their initial agreement about the name. “I was completely caught off guard. I reminded him that he knew where the name came from when we agreed to it, so why was it suddenly a problem? He said he thought it was a fun name, not something I was going to actually call our son every day,” she shared.

The situation escalated as her husband accused her of immaturity and expressed concern over their image. “He accused me of ‘acting like a kid’ and said I was embarrassing him. He even went on a rant about how he doesn’t want people to think we’re ‘one of those nerdy couples’ who name their kids after superheroes.”

Trying to remain composed, she expressed her hurt feelings and confusion over his unexpected reaction. “I tried to stay calm, but I was hurt. I told him it felt unfair for him to freak out like this when he never once told me it bothered him before. He said he thought I’d ‘grow out of it,’ which, honestly, made me furious. I don’t see why I should have to ‘grow out’ of something I love, especially when we both agreed on the name in the first place.”

The mum said: “We ended up having a huge fight where we both said some things we probably shouldn’t have. He accused me of being ‘disrespectful’ by ignoring the name we picked, and I said he was being immature for caring so much about what other people think. He slept in the guest room that night, which I honestly think was an overreaction.”

She continued to say: “Since then, we’ve barely talked about it, but I can tell he’s p****d. I’ve been trying to keep the peace by using our son’s first name more, but it feels forced.”

In response, someone advised in the comment section: “I DEFINITELY think the worst thing to do is to use both names interchangeably. Having your middle name as your name is a little confusing; having your parents call you two different names that they don’t agree with and react negatively to is extremely weird and can’t be good for a secure identity.”

They suggested a solution: “Find a cute pet name/nickname you like that is based on the name you agreed on. You both need to be using the same name (or at least easily agreed upon names) for your child.”

Another perplexed user questioned the father’s rationale, stating: “Adam Warlock is a relatively obscure Marvel character. It would probably be possible to find Marvel fans who’ve never heard of him. That goes double for members of the non-Marvel-following general public.”

A Redditor chimed in: “Even if it were a popular character, most people wouldn’t presume that their child was named after a superhero. If I met someone called Peter or Bruce, my first thought wouldn’t be that their parents are big comics fans.”

Another user pitched in with their two cents: “Of all the possible fictional characters you could name your child after, no one is going to recognise ‘Adam’ as being one. I have a friend who named their kid Thorin.”

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