A man was left gobsmacked after his mum sent him a lengthy text about the baby name he and his partner were going to use for their daughter – and he wasn’t impressed

Everybody wants a unique baby name for their little one, but not everybody will be a fan of the moniker you’re going to choose.

When one man’s mother sent a text slating the baby name he and his girlfriend had chosen for their new arrival, he was livid – especially when the mother said that the baby would be thought of as an “oddball” due to the name.

He took to Reddit’s ‘Am I The A**hole’ forum to share: “My mother is very old school and doesn’t like new age names and things like that or New Age anything for that matter from the time we told her her name, she never liked it.

“Three separate times, she’s asked us to change it, and we’ve told her no, this is the name, and that’s what we’re going with.”

He then said that he’d received “this text message today after our baby shower, and it really set me off”.

The long text read: “Hi Guys. So, I’m going to try to give you some food for thought here (just my opinion, so don’t take it too seriously). Please try to reconsider the name you are giving your daughter. I feel that you are starting her off in life as an oddball.

“She doesn’t have a choice what her name is going to be and believe it or not, it is a reflection of who we are. Guarantee you she’s going to get teased in school, unfortunately kids can be cruel. The name sounds rough, like a street name.

“Please remember that one day, she will be a young woman and a grown woman. I cannot imagine being a young woman and going to apply for a job with the name Indie. This is a name she is going to have her entire life, not just as a baby.

“You know, I’ve been telling a lot of people I work with that were going to be grandparents again, and it’s a girl. I didn’t volunteer the name, but when people asked, I told them that not one person had a good response about the name.

“Please just think about it. There are so many beautiful girls’ names. This is about your daughter and the way people will perceive her, now and later in life.”

The man said he “called her” and “flipped out” because she was mean about the name they’d chosen for their baby, and said she needs to stop trying to “control” things.

“The conversation didn’t end well, and I’m probably not gonna talk to my mother much unless she apologises,” he admitted, asking if the baby’s name, Indie, was bad.

In the comments, someone wrote: “It’s not even that weird a name. I teach kids and I had two Indies (an Indi and an Indie) in one of my classes not long ago.”

Another said: “Indie isn’t a weird name and your mum’s assessment is ridiculous. Good on you for telling her to f**k off. She needs to stop trying to control things that she shouldn’t have any control over.”

A grandma wrote in the comments: “Indie? Independent of spirit. Free as the wind. Unencumbered by past generations limiting beliefs. Her own woman. I love it.

“I am also a Grandma. I do understand Grandmotherly concern. However, in this 60-year-old with 3 grandsons who each have their own unique name. It’s none of my business what my daughter and son-in-law choose to name their own children.

“My job is to love them all. Not judge their choices. If she cannot shut up about this topic, she goes on time out, only you can decide how long that will be or will it eventually be permanent. I love the name. I love a good, independent, spirited girl. Teach her to value herself. Teach her to love others but also to love herself. Her name is beautiful.”

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