Labour MP says his constituents are ‘frightened’ over disability cuts

The Labour MP Richard Burgon tells Keir Starmer disabled people in my constituency are ‘frightened’ over proposed cuts to benefits.

He suggests instead of cutting benefits for disabled people, the PM should introduce a wealth tax on the super-rich. Mr Burgon says this would be “the moral thing to do”.

But the PM says welfare has to be reformed and suggests a wealth tax may impact growth.

Here’s Mr Burgon’s full quote: “Disabled people in my constituency are frightened. And they are frightened because they are again hearing the language of: ‘tough choices.’

“And they know from bitter experience that when politicians talk about tough choices, it means the easy option of making the poor and vulnerable pay.

“So instead of cutting benefits for disabled people, wouldn’t the moral thing to do, the courageous thing to do, be to make a real tough choice and introduce a wealth tax on the very wealthiest people in our society.”

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