A woman has shared how a school mum flipped her off when she walked past her house after hearing what she called her new rescue dog – making her second guess her pet’s name

A woman has been left scratching her head after a school mum stuck her middle fingers up at her after hearing her dog’s name. She explained how her young daughter named their rescue dog Eevee because she loves Pokemon.

And the family agreeing the moniker suits her personality down to the ground. However, one of the mums at school took issue with the name as soon as she heard about it – and has been making her views about it known via their security camera. Taking to Reddit, she said: “When we got our sweet rescue dog that’s brown and makes a cute squeak when she yawns in spring of last year, my kid wanted her name to be Eevee.

“We thought the name was perfect! We love Pokémon and this dog is definitely not a Pikachu. The issue is that there is a girl up the street named Evelyn. I have always known her as Evelyn, my daughter calls her Evelyn, but I found out later at home her family calls her Eevee.”

While the child hasn’t said anything to her daughter about her new dog’s name, she has stopped playing with her on the playground. But she assumed this was simply because she has an “intense sports schedule” – and was using her break time to rest up.

She added: “Well today through the security camera we saw the mom walk by our house and angrily give us double middle fingers looking incredibly mad before she huffed off. Note we have not seen nor talked to this mom in months beyond waving hello at school pickup/drop off. So the only offensive thing I can think of is our dog’s name (which is literally named after the Pokémon) to be the reason for her to flick us off.”

Wanting to know whether she’s in the wrong for naming her dog Eevee, she has taken to social media to ask users for their thoughts. In response, one user said: “That’s a personal problem that doesn’t belong to you. Plenty of dogs have names some people will have. Ignore it.”

Another user added: “Are you 100% sure that is the reason? It seems a bit petty to me. I would ask her why she did that.” A third user said: “Honestly if I were in your place I’d just go up to the mother of Evelyn and ask her why she flicked you off and if you offended her in any way.

“If the dog’s name is the reason, I’d just explain to her why you named your dog that way since not everybody knows Pokemon (or not that well to know Evee). I think that should settle the whole problem. Of course, you don’t have to say any of this since you’re not in the wrong. I think it’s just a case of a simple misunderstanding, nothing more.”

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