Sienna-Rose, 19 months, is recovering in a hospital in Mexico after she had a brain haemorrhage during a dream family trip, and now struggles to lift her head from her pillow

A toddler who suffered a brain haemorrhage in Mexico during a dream family holiday has suffered a “setback” in her recovery.

Sienna-Rose collapsed while playing with her older brothers in Cancun earlier this week, and hours later had to undergo life-saving surgery to remove a blood clot. The family has since been unable to leave until they know more about the 19-month-old’s condition.

Now, in an update from Mexico, mum Natasha Sargeant, 31, revealed she has been “screaming” in her daughter’s hospital room. She told Liverpool Echo: “She can’t even lift her head up, she is normally jumping around, always full of life and now she can’t even lift up her head.

“She has been having fevers. Her temperature was above 40C last night. Her dad had stayed at the hospital with her while I tried to get some sleep. I went back this morning and had to take her some paracetamol to try and help with the fever. She is not eating or drinking. It’s been so awful, I was screaming ‘she is going to die in this room.’”

Natasha and her partner Liam Millen, 39, had been sight-seeing around Mexico with children Harry, 13, Liam, 11, and Sienna-Rose when the toddler fell unconscious at their flat. Natasha said the family were packing and planning the next part of their journey to the coastal town of Tulum when Sienna-Rose “dropped to the floor like she was having a seizure”.

She added: “Next minute she was constantly vomiting. We didn’t know if she had banged her head.” The family rushed to the nearest hospital, but were told it would cost £4,000 up front for a CT scan and an overnight stay. They instead went to another hospital, which was 30 minutes away, only to find the CT machine was broken.

By the time they were admitted into a third hospital, desperately ill Sienna-Rose had “vomited about 50 times”. A CT scan showed her brain had suffered a haemorrhage and had doubled in size from the build-up of fluid. A fundraiser was launched by Sienna-Rose’s aunt, Amy. It has so far raised more than £22,000.

Amy wrote: “What was meant to be their dream holiday in Cancun, Mexico ended up a living nightmare. My niece, Sienna-Rose, who is 19 months old, sadly ended up in hospital after suffering a brain haemorrhage and swelling on the brain and underwent major life saving surgery.

“The surgery thankfully went well and she is now stable and recovering and we are just praying that these crucial next few days she doesn’t have any setbacks. We don’t know how long it will take for Sienna to recover, when she will be fit to fly home, how long they will be out there for.”

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